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Topics Particulars Page No.
Chapter 1. Chemical Equilibrium ........................................................ 4 - 46
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4
2. Chemical Equilibrium and Active Mass ........................................................................... 6
3. Law of Mass Action or Law of Chemical Equilibrium ........................................................ 8
4. Reaction Quotient (Q) ..................................................................................................... 15
5. Application of Law of Mass Action ................................................................................... 16
6. Le-chatelier’s Principle .................................................................................................. 21
7. Application of Le-Chatelier's Principle ........................................................................... 22
8. Calculation of Degree of Dissociation by Vapour Density Measurement ....................... 24
9. Unsolved Exercise .......................................................................................................... 26
10. Answers ......................................................................................................................... 46
Chapter 2. Ionic Equilibrium ............................................................ 47 - 102
1. Arrhenius Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation ................................................................ 47
2. Ostwald’s Dilution Law ................................................................................................... 48
3. Concepts of Acids and Bases .......................................................................................... 49
4. Ionic Product of Water .................................................................................................... 53
5. Acidity and pH Scale ....................................................................................................... 54
6. Salt Hydrolysis ............................................................................................................... 61
7. Buffer Solutions ............................................................................................................. 69
8. Solubility, Molar Solubility and Solubility Product .......................................................... 73
9. Common Ion Effect ......................................................................................................... 79
10. Selective Precipitation ................................................................................................... 81
11. Indicators ....................................................................................................................... 82
12. Unsolved Exercise .......................................................................................................... 85
13. Answers ....................................................................................................................... 101
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A. CHEMICAL REACTION : Symbolic representation of any chemical change in terms of reactants and
products is called chemical reaction.
Types of chemical reaction :
(a) On the basis of physical state
Homogeneous reaction Heterogeneous reaction
All reactants and products are in same phase. Reactants and products are in two or more
N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) Zn(s) + CO 2(g) ZnO(s) + CO(g)
(b) On the basis of direction
Reversible reac on Irreversible reac on
(i) Chemical reac on in which products can be Chemical reac on in which products cannot be
converted back into reactants. converted back into reactants.
N2+ 3H 2 2NH3 AgNO3+ NaCl AgCl + NaNO 3
3Fe + 4H2O Fe3O4 + 4H2 NaCl + H2SO 4 NaHSO4 + HCl
H2 + I2 2HI Zn + H2SO 4 ZnSO4+ H2
(ii) Proceed in forward as well as backward Proceed only in one direc on (forward
direc on. direc on)
(iii) Possible in closed container Generally possible in open container
(iv) These a ain equilibrium These do not a ain equilibrium
(v) Reactants are never completely converted Reactants are nearly completely converted into
into products products
(vi) Generally thermal dissocia ons are held in Generally thermal decomposi ons are held in
closed vessel. open vessel.
(1) PCl5(g) Pcl3(g) + Cl2(g) 2KClO3(s) 2KCl (s) + 3O 2(g)
(2) 2HI(g) H2(g) + I2(g)
(vii) Neutralisa on reac on except strong acid Neutralisa on reac on of strong acid and
and weak base. strong base.
Hcl + NH4OH NH4Cl + H 2O Hcl + NaOH NaCl + H2O
(c) On the basis of speed
Fast reaction Slow reaction
(i) Generally these reactions are ionic reactions. Generally these reactions are molecular
HCl + NaOH NaCl + H 2O H2 + I2 2H I
Acid Base Salt Water
(ii) Rate determination is impossible. Rate determination is possible.
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