ENN1504 Assignment
ANSWERS) Semester 2
2024 - DUE August
2024 ; 100% TRUSTED
Complete, trusted
solutions and
, BACKGROUND You are an Administrator in the office of Mr
Selby, the Finance Manager of Gauteng College. Most of the
parents of the students registered at the institution are struggling to
pay the tuition fees. As a result, the college has submitted some of
the debts to the debtors’ office for further investigation. Most of
these students could be deregistered or blacklisted if their tuition
fees are not paid on time. The Finance Manager, Mr Selby, has
asked you to investigate possible ways of assisting parents and
students to raise funds to pay the tuition fees. The report should be
submitted on 30 September 2024.
INSTRUCTIONS Write an investigative report into possible ways
of assisting Gauteng College parents and students to raise funds to
pay tuition fees at the institution. You are to submit the report to Mr
Selby by 30 September 2024. Your report should be about 2-3 pages
in length. Use the following headings and sub-headings: TITLE
Information to be included in title should relate to what the
investigation is about, where it is taking place and why it is to be
conducted. 1.
TERMS OF REFERENCE The following information should be
included: date on which you were commissioned to conduct the
investigation, the name and position of the person who
commissioned you, your name and your position, the essence of the
report, and date for the submission of the report and
recommendations. ENN1504/02/2024 2.