Assignment 2 Semester 2 2024
Detailed Solutions, References & Explanations
Unique number: 527395
Due Date: 19 September 2024
1.1 Reasons Why Notes Should Be Taken at a Scene
Taking comprehensive and accurate notes at a crime scene is crucial for several reasons. These
notes serve as a written record of all activities and observations made by the investigator,
ensuring that the scene is permanently recorded. Given that testimonies may be required
months or even years after attending the scene, detailed notes help in recalling facts accurately,
which can be pivotal in securing a conviction or avoiding an acquittal. Notes force the
investigator to commit observations to writing, maintaining a detailed record of everything seen
and done, which can be invaluable during court proceedings. Once an investigator leaves the
scene, there is no second chance to accurately record it, so it is better to note too many details
than too few. Comprehensive notes also reflect the investigator’s attitude, experience, and
willingness to thoroughly document the scene, thereby corroborating other testimony and
significantly influencing other evidence. Additionally, these notes enable the investigator to
complete a comprehensive and accurate report. Terms of use
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