2024 - DUE
July 2024
, CSP4801 Assignment 3 (COMPLETE ANSWERS)
2024 - DUE July 2024
1. Summarise the main ideas of the positivist,
interpretivist, critical and post-structuralist curriculum as
set out in chapter 1 of your textbook. Present your
answer in table format. (25) Marking guide: Criteria
Description Marks Understanding of Positivist
Curriculum Demonstrates a comprehensive
understanding, accurately summarising main ideas with
clear examples 5 Understanding of Interpretivist
Curriculum Provides a thorough and nuanced summary,
including relevant examples and key concepts 5
Understanding of Critical Curriculum Offers an in-depth
summary, effectively capturing key concepts and their
implications 5 Understanding of Post-Structuralist
Curriculum Provides a detailed and precise summary,
accurately presenting complex ideas and their
For assistance whatsapp +254702715801
, implications 5 Overall Presentation and Clarity Presents
information in a highly organised and coherent manner,
with clear distinctions between different curriculum
approaches 5 Total Marks 25
Positivist Interpretivist Critical Post-Structuralist
Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum
Thorough and
Comprehensive In-depth Detailed and
understanding, summary, precise summary,
accurately effectively accurately
Understanding including
summarizing main capturing key presenting complex
ideas with clear concepts and their ideas and their
examples and
examples implications implications
key concepts
Seeks to address
Focuses on objective power imbalances Questions the stability
understanding the
knowledge and and social injustices and coherence of
meaning and context
scientific methods. in education. knowledge.
of educational
Emphasizes Curriculum Emphasizes the fluid
experiences. Focuses
Main measurable outcomes, promotes critical and dynamic nature of
on subjective
Ideas standardized testing, thinking and social meaning and identity.
experiences of
and accountability. change. Encourages Curriculum seen as a
students and
Curriculum designed students to question site of contestation
teachers. Curriculum
based on empirical dominant and multiple
is flexible and
data. ideologies and interpretations.
Standardized tests, Ethnographic Social justice Deconstruction of
scientific studies, case projects, critical texts, discourse
Examples experiments, and studies, and literacy programs, analysis, and
empirical research narrative and participatory examining the hidden
projects. inquiries. action research. curriculum.
Power, social Fluidity, dynamic
Subjectivity, justice, critical meaning,
Key context, meaning- thinking, contestation,
scientific method,
Concepts making, flexibility, emancipation, multiple
standardized testing,
responsiveness questioning interpretations,
dominant ideologies deconstruction
For assistance whatsapp +254702715801