According to CAPS, assessment involves recording, gathering, reporting, interpreting,
and using information about the achievement and progress of learners in developing
attitudes, knowledge, and skills. The main aim is to generate achievement and monitor
learners' progress, enhance learning and teaching continuously, and stretch beyond just
teaching to involve day-to-day interactions between learner and teacher.
Assessment may take various forms, such as:
2.1 Classwork observation: e.g., observing learners' participation in group activities to
solve mathematical problems
2.2 Orals/discussions: e.g., asking learners to explain their thinking process when
solving a word problem
2.3 Practical demonstrations: e.g., having learners demonstrate their understanding of
3D shapes by building models
2.4 Written work: e.g., assessing learners' ability to solve addition and subtraction
problems in a written test
CAPS emphasizes that assessment is a continuous, planned process of identifying,
gathering and interpreting information about the performance of learners. It involves
generating and collecting evidence of achievement, evaluating this evidence, recording
the findings, and using this information to improve teaching and learning.
, Teacher- Centred Learner-centred
Knowledge construction Knowledge is transmitted Knowledge is actively
from teacher to students constructed by students
through exploration,
discovery, and problem-
Role of the teacher The teacher is the primary The teacher facilitates
source of knowledge and learning by guiding and
directs all learning supporting students in their
activities. own discovery process.
Learner participation Students are passive Students are active
recipients of information. participants in the learning
process, collaborating and
taking responsibility for
their own learning.
Role of assessment Assessment is used to Assessment is ongoing and
measure student mastery used to provide feedback to
through tests and exams. improve learning, often
through self-assessment,
peer feedback, and
performance-based tasks.
Emphasis on teaching and The focus is on what the The focus is on what the
learning teacher is teaching. students are learning and
how they are learning it.
Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development emphasizes that children actively
construct knowledge through hands-on experiences and interactions with their
environment. Piaget identified four stages of development, with the preoperational
stage (ages 2-7) being most relevant to the Foundation Phase. During this stage,
children use symbols in thought, speech and play, but struggle with conservation and
are very egocentric. To apply Piaget's theory, teachers should provide concrete
materials and problem-solving activities to facilitate understanding of mathematical