Assignment 1 Semester 2 2024
Detailed Solutions, References & Explanations
Unique number: 334479
Due Date: 23 July 2024
1. Differentiating between Literal and Metaphorical Language
Literal language refers to words that do not deviate from their defined meaning. It is
straightforward and means exactly what it says. Metaphorical language, on the other hand, uses
figures of speech to convey meanings that go beyond the literal interpretation. It often involves
comparing one thing to another to highlight a particular quality or aspect.
In Robert Frost's poem "Acquainted with the Night," an example of metaphorical language is "I
have outwalked the furthest city light." This phrase does not literally mean the speaker has
walked past all city lights, but rather, it suggests moving beyond the reach of human influence
and comfort, venturing into a realm of solitude and introspection.
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