, CMY3701 Assignment 1 (COMPLETE ANSWERS) Semester 2
2024 (575656) - DUE 12 August 2024 ; 100% TRUSTED
Complete, trusted solutions and explanations.
SECTION A 1.1. Give a detailed discussion of Shaw and
McKay’s (1942) social disorganisation theory against the
background of scientific literature and the newspaper article
above. (15)
Shaw and McKay’s Social Disorganization Theory
Shaw and McKay’s Social Disorganization Theory, developed
in the 1940s, is a foundational concept in criminology that
explains how neighborhood characteristics contribute to crime
rates. This theory is grounded in the Chicago School of
Sociology and focuses on the social structures and
environmental factors within urban neighborhoods that lead to
crime and delinquency.
1. Background and Development of the Theory
Shaw and McKay formulated their theory based on extensive
studies conducted in Chicago. They observed that crime was not
randomly distributed but concentrated in certain areas,
particularly in zones characterized by poverty, residential
instability, and ethnic diversity. They proposed that it was the
social disorganization in these neighborhoods—rather than
individual traits—that led to higher crime rates.