Assignment 2
Semester 2 2024
(252761)- DUE 23
August 2024
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Special Interest Tourism
TRT3702 Assignment 2 QUIZ (COMPLETE ANSWERS) Semester 2 2024
(252761)- DUE 23 August 2024 ; 100% TRUSTED Complete, trusted
solutions and explanations
Question 1 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Match the statement to the
correct term. The Ndebele tribe is known for their distinctive artistic traditions,
including brightly coloredgeometric patterns that adorn their homes and
clothing. Despite being a relatively small tribe,the Ndebele have gained
international recognition for their unique artistic traditions, whichare often
showcased in museums and galleries around the world. However, this
increasedattention has also led to concerns about the potential commodifi
cation of the Ndebele'sculture.To combat this, some members of the Ndebele
community have taken steps toensure that their cultural heritage remains
rooted in the local community and is not solelymarketed towards tourists
Vermassung Located in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Yemen, Socotra is
known for its unique andotherworldly fl ora and fauna. Many of the plant and
animal species found on Socotra areendemic to the island, meaning they are
not found anywhere else in the world. Socotra is also known for its rugged and
isolated landscape, which has helped to preserve itsunique ecosystems. The
island is home to numerous hiking trails, as well as opportunities forcamping
and wildlife watching. However, due to its remote location and limited
infrastructure,tourism on Socotra is still relatively undeveloped. Ultima Thule
Mary and her friends went on a mountaineering trip to The Bell Traverse in the
Drakensberg. Itentailed a signifi cant element of danger and demanded
exceptional expertise and dedication. They had to climb up steep mountain
cliffs and cross narrow ridges with only ropes andharnesses for safety. Mary
had to rely on her physical and mental strength to complete theclimb. The
experience gave her a sense of achievement and the opportunity to
appreciate thenatural beauty of the Drakensberg mountains. It was a thrilling
and challenging adventurethat required careful planning and preparation, but
the outcome was worth it. Hard Adventure Tourism Siyavaya is a South
African travel agency that offers a variety of tours that focus on
exploringSouthern Africa, from the beaches of Mozambique to the deserts of
Namibia. These tourstypically involve traveling in specially equipped vehicles,
camping in remote areas, andengaging in activities such as hiking, wildlife
viewing, and cultural exchanges with localcommunities. They tours range from