Assignment 5 2024
Unique #:623209
Due Date: 2 September 2024
Detailed solutions, explanations, workings
and references.
+27 81 278 3372
Aspect Teaching Media Teaching Aids
Definition Tools or resources used to convey or Objects or materials used to support
present instructional content to or enhance the presentation of the
learners. instructional content.
Purpose Helps in delivering the content in an Assists the teacher in demonstrating,
effective and interesting way by explaining, or reinforcing specific
engaging multiple senses. concepts during instruction.
Example of Textbooks, videos, charts, models, Chalkboards, overhead projectors,
Items projectors, computers, and the whiteboards, flip charts, and physical
internet. objects used for demonstration.
Role in Enhances understanding by Provides tangible examples or
Learning providing visual, auditory, or demonstrations to clarify concepts or
kinesthetic experiences related to the facilitate learning activities.
Teacher’s Guides the use of media to achieve Uses aids to support or emphasize
Role lesson objectives, often integrating key points during teaching; aids do
media with instruction. not replace the teacher's role.
Impact on Can stimulate interest, motivate Reinforces specific concepts and
Learning learners, and make abstract allows for practical demonstrations
concepts more concrete. that aid comprehension.
Scope of Broad scope, often involving multiple Narrower scope, focusing on specific
Use senses and forms of media. tasks or demonstrations within a
Dependency May require technology or Generally low-tech and does not
specialized equipment (e.g., require electricity (e.g., chalkboard,
computers, projectors). physical objects).
Graphic organisers are visual tools that help structure and represent knowledge,
making complex concepts more accessible to learners. In the context of Teaching
Varsity Cube 2024 +27 81 278 3372