Assignment 5
Unique No:623209
DUE 2 September 2024
, 1. Differences Between Teaching Media and Teaching Aids
Teaching Media and Teaching Aids are both crucial in the educational process,
but they serve different purposes and have different characteristics. Here’s a
tabulated comparison:
Aspect Teaching Media Teaching Aids
Definition Tools and resources used Materials used to support
to deliver educational or enhance the teaching
content to learners. process.
Purpose To present and convey To assist in
information effectively understanding and
(e.g., multimedia retention (e.g., flashcards,
presentations, videos). models).
Examples Interactive whiteboards, Maps, charts, real
projectors, educational objects, diagrams.
Function Provides the primary Supplements the teaching
means of presenting new process with additional
content. support.
Interaction Often involves technology Can be simple or
and may require specific complex, generally used
setups. directly in teaching.
Usage Used for delivering Used for reinforcing
lectures, showing concepts, illustrating
demonstrations, or ideas, or providing
presenting multimedia practice.
Adaptability Typically adaptable to Often specific to the
various content types and content being taught.
Preparation Requires preparation of May involve creating or
digital or technical gathering physical
equipment. materials.
Student Engagement Can enhance Engages students
engagement through through hands-on or
multimedia and interactive visual methods.
Technology Dependence Generally relies on Can be low-tech or no-
technology and requires tech, and easily
technical proficiency. integrated into lessons.