Assignment 11 2024
Detailed Solutions, References & Explanations
Unique number:
Due Date: 13 September 2024
In accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 58 of 1962 and the Tax Administration
Act, 28 of 2011, all employees earning taxable income in South Africa must be registered for tax
purposes. The Income Tax Act defines a taxpayer as any individual who derives income that falls
within the scope of taxable income, including salaries or wages. Specifically, Section 10 of the
Income Tax Act provides for tax exemptions, but salaries above certain thresholds are subject to
tax. The five non-facilitator employees of LearnCo., earning R15,000 per month, equate to an
annual gross income of R180,000, which exceeds the tax threshold for individuals under the age
of 65, set at R95,750 for the 2024 tax year. Therefore, they are liable for taxation on this income.
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