ICA1501 Assignment
9 September 2024 ;
Complete, trusted
solutions and
,ICA1501 Assignment 5 (COMPLETE ANSWERS) 2024 -
DUE 9 September 2024 ; 100% TRUSTED Complete,
trusted solutions and explanations.
QUESTION 1 Choose the correct answer in question 1.1 – 1.5.
Question 1.6 requires a written answer. 1.1 A learner in the
Creative Arts classroom is showing the following symptoms: •
Reverses his letter order when writing text • His speech and
letter sounds are poor and delayed • He is not fluent in reading
texts of songs or dramas • He struggles to express himself in
written activities Which learning barrier is this student faced
with and why? A. He has Dyspraxia and struggles with literacy
B. He has Dyslexia and struggles with numeracy C. He has
Dyslexia and struggles with literacy D. He has ADHD and
Dyscalculia (1) 1.2 In the Music class, which of the following
are instruments from the percussion family? A. Drums, cymbals,
shakers B. Trumpet, saxophone, flute C. Violin, cello, harp D.
Guitar, piano, clarinet (1) 1.3 In dance, ‘creative movement’
refers to: A. Heavily improvised movements B. Carefully
choreographed movements C. Warm-up movements D.
Contralateral movements (1) 1.4 The understanding that art is
discipline-based and content-centred comes from the fact that …
A. learners have freedom of expression. B. art is a subject that
incorporates holistic development. C. learners are exposed to
content which they have to understand, but each understanding
is based on individual perception. D. art is ever-changing. (1)
1.5 The human figure was first drawn as stick figures, and this
transformed into a more realistic and identifiable picture. Which
of the following statements is applicable to this process? A. This
, transition is the realism stage. It is when you can distinguish
pictures and the artist can capture more realistically what they
are trying to show. B. This is the pre-schematic stage. It is when
you can distinguish pictures and the artist can capture more
realistically what they are trying to show. C. This is the
schematic stage. It is when you can distinguish pictures and the
artist can capture more realistically what they are trying to show.
D. This is the pre-adolescent stage. It is when you can
distinguish pictures and the artist can capture more realistically
what they are trying to show. (1) 1.6 Craft a distinctive name
poster for your Creative Arts classroom door by following the
guidelines below: A. Utilise ‘Mr’ or ‘Ms’ followed by your last
name exclusively. B. You have the freedom to infuse creativity
into your design. C. You may either produce a physical name
poster on paper, capture a photo of your creation, and
subsequently insert the image into Assessment 5. D.
Alternatively, you can directly design it digitally within the
assessment itself or employ an alternative design software. E.
Once completed, paste the design as an image into Assessment
5. (5) (10 Marks) ICA1501/0/2024 ASSESSMENT 05: 5
Here are the answers and explanations for each question:
1.1 A learner in the Creative Arts classroom is showing the
following symptoms:
• Reverses letter order when writing
• Poor and delayed speech and letter sounds