How to… write a
The Theory of Flight
Section A: The Literary Essay
Both essay questions count 30 marks, and you should spend approximately 1 hour completing each one.
These questions focus on the ability to state and defend a position.
What you need to know (taken and adapted from the IEB Subject Assessment Guidelines 2023):
The literature essay assesses your ability to understand, interpret, and form an opinion on themes,
characters, symbolism, etc. Essay topics will be open-ended enough to allow for personal interpretations
within the limits of the author’s accepted intentions.
Here are some suggestions from the IEB’s Subject Assessment Guidelines:
Length: The length of your essays should be between 2½ and 3½ pages (in average handwriting) –
or approximately 600—700 words. This should be seen as a guideline only. There is NO penalty for
length other than the development of the argument in the essay itself. A word count at the end of
the essay is NOT required. (This is a guideline only. Do not waste time counting words and writing
down a word count. Markers assess the essay on its substance not its length. If your essay is too
short it will naturally lack substance and if your essay is too long it will naturally become repetitive
and veer off-topic.)
Structure, logic, and organisation of ideas will be assessed as part of the holistic, final assessment
out of 30 marks. The way in which you argue is as important as what you are arguing.
o Your introduction should introduce your argument, provide your essay with clear focus and
direction – and demonstrate an understanding of the topic.
o The conclusion should ‘tie up’ the argument conclusively.
o Each paragraph should develop the argument and must not simply be a series of
unconnected statements. Examiners want to see evidence of a stance being taken.
o There should be no sub-headings.
o Use transitional statements between paragraphs, for example: in addition, also,
consequently, on the other hand, to sum up, in fact, what is more, etc.
The structure of your essay is as important as its content. Therefore:
, o Short, pertinent quotations or textual references from the prescribed texts should be
used to enrich and substantiate your argument. Quotations should be integrated into
o In order to avoid becoming side-tracked from the focus of the essay topic, you are
encouraged to refer regularly to the essence of the given topic, almost reminding
yourself and your reader that you are focused on the literary exploration which the question
o Incidents or actions from the texts should be analysed (not merely mentioned or retold)
to add substance to your argument.
o The register of the response should be formal; avoid colloquialisms, abbreviations, and
contractions. Avoid figurative or emotive language (unless you are quoting, obviously).
o Underline the titles of literary texts.
o The present tense should be used throughout the essay. In line with much current
academic discourse, it is perfectly acceptable to use the first person or the third person when
writing a formal essay.
analyse key words -
link to text & take a
stance - thesis
summarise main
points brought up in first point to prove
introduction & thesis statement/link
addressed in each to a key aspect of
paragraph; provide topic - topic
an answer to the sentence + example
thesis statement. + analysis
third point to prove second point to
thesis statement/link Transition prove thesis
to a key aspect of Phrase statement/link to a
topic - topic key aspect of topic -
sentence + example topic sentence +
+ analysis example + analysis
, What assessors look for when marking the essay:
Your ability to unpack and engage with the topic in a manner that shows your understanding of both
the topic and the text.
A thorough, accurate and confident knowledge of the text, as well as an insightful understanding of
the text (how character and theme contribute to meaning).
Your ability to take a stance and present a clear argument that is developed logically throughout
your essay. This argument should be focused and not deviate from the topic.
Your ability to select the relevant information to substantiate your carefully crafted argument. This
information should be integrated into and elaborated on in your essay.
An impressive command of spelling, language and punctuation.
This section does NOT test your knowledge of the text – this is implied. In other words, if you rattle
off the whole story with quotes you will not get a good mark.
This section DOES test your ability to comprehend a topic, engage with the topic, and use your
knowledge and comprehension of the play to construct an argument around the topic.
Abbreviated rubric:
EXCEPTIONAL: Highly eloquent; academic rigour; strong individual voice; confident knowledge of text.
Exceptional ability to develop an academically superior argument; ophisticated tackling of topic; fluid and elevated style.
100% Quotations are integrated with exceptional ability – quotations & substantiation build a logically flawless argument that exceeds
30 Error-free.
ELEVATED: Impressive and distinguished; succinct; selects information to build an argument with sophistication; depth of
7+ knowledge; dips into text with confidence; consistent question focus.
90-% Analytical concepts developed with precision – tightly constructed argument.
All aspects of the topic have been addressed with confidence and distinction. Maintains consistent focus without deviating
29 from central concerns of the question.
Thorough, impressive, in-depth knowledge of the text, perhaps even drawing on moments of the text that distinguish the
28 candidate’s superior, refined knowledge and understanding. Impressive integration & elaboration on specific textual
references/ evidence.
27 Impressive/ exceptional evidence of original voice.
Constructs exceptionally critical, relevant and consistent connections between topic and argument, displaying a
convincing, impressive line of logical progression.
Exceptionally lucid and logical. Excellent transitions between paragraphs which enhance argument development. Essay
signposted throughout, indicating a commendable degree of confidence in engaging with the question.
Impressive command of register, spelling, diction, language and punctuation.
EXCELLENT: Sophisticated and perceptive; commendable and well structured; substantiation from text enhances argument
(which requires minor polish for a level 7+)
Thoroughly developed argument – all aspects of the topic have been addressed with sophistication. Maintains consistent focus
80-% without deviating from central concerns of the question.
Thorough, accurate & confident knowledge & insightful understanding of the text. Commendable integration and
26 elaboration on specific textual references/ evidence – although at times these could have been used with greater effect.
Excellent ability to select information to develop a succinct, clearly focused and perceptive argument.
25 Commendable evidence of original voice.
Constructs critical, relevant and consistent connections between topic and argument, displaying a convincing,
sophisticated line of logical progression.
Lucid and focused although there may be a sense that further logical development could have enhanced this essay further.
Commendable development of literary structure: focused introduction and conclusion. Excellent transitions between
paragraphs. Essay signposted throughout, indicating a commendable degree of confidence in engaging with the question.
Impressive command of register, spelling, diction, language and punctuation, although there may be minor stylistic flaws.
COMPETENT: Above average; proficient and skilful; logical, focused and accurate argument; dips into the text skilfully;
6 minor lapses
70-% Competently developed argument which may have minor lapses.
All aspects of the topic have been addressed with conviction – OR: part of the topic has been addressed with depth and
23 sophistication.
Competent, accurate knowledge and proficient understanding of text – there may be minor gaps that do not impact the
22 strength of the argument.
Skilful and proficient selection and elaboration on information to develop a mostly focused and competent argument.