ASSignment 2 (COmPLete AnSWeRS)
SemeSteR 2 2024 - DUe 27 SePtembeR 2024
, Assignment Questions
Write a critical essay on the different theoretical models applied to people with
disabilities and relate how the deaf community can be regarded as an example of a
marginalized identity.
This essay explores the various theoretical models applied to disability, specifically
focusing on the medical, social, and cultural models. The medical model views
disability as a deficiency requiring treatment, often leading to marginalization. In
contrast, the social model emphasizes societal barriers and advocates for
accessibility, highlighting how disabilities arise from environmental factors rather
than individual impairments. The cultural model further recognizes the unique
identities of disabled individuals, asserting that disability can be a vital part of
cultural identity. The Deaf community exemplifies this discourse, often
misunderstood through a medical lens as a deficiency. However, many Deaf
individuals embrace their identity through shared language and cultural practices,
challenging dominant narratives. This essay ultimately argues for a broader
understanding of disability that appreciates the complexities of identity, particularly
within marginalized communities like the Deaf, advocating for inclusivity and
recognition of diverse experiences beyond medical categorizations.
Introductions to theoretical models of people with disabilities
Theoretical models applied to people with disabilities shape our
understanding of disability and influence how society perceives and
interacts with individuals who have disabilities. These models, ranging
from the medical model to the social and cultural models, offer different
perspectives on disability, influencing policy, social attitudes, and
personal identities. This essay critically examines the various theoretical
models of disability and explores how the deaf community serves as an
example of amarginalized identity. By analyzing the medical, social, and
cultural models, the essay highlights how each model impacts the
experiences of deaf individuals, emphasizing their unique position within