, +27 67 171 1739
The portfolio is based on the organisation called SABC (South African Broadcasting
Corporation), looking at the history of the organisation and what services it offers to
the public , spending a day at the organisation to understand the organogram, and
learning about the theory approaches from management. Looking how they operate;
their culture in the organisation. The answered question will give an insight and
example gives of the SABC.
Company profile
SABC South African Broadcasting Corporation is the public broadcaster in South
Africa, and provides 19 radio stations as well as five television broadcasts to the
general public. It is one of largest of South Africa's state owned enterprise. Established
The SABC has two distinct service : PBS : Public Broadcasting Service 18 Radio
stations and 4 TV channels ,PCS :Public Commercial Service 3 Radio stations and 1
TV Channel.
Vision, Mission & Values
To become the leading, credible voice and face of the nation and the continent
A high-performing, financially viable, digitised, national public broadcaster that
provides compelling informative, educational and entertaining content via all platforms.
Respect will be our currency in our engagements internally and externally
We will cultivate an environment of trust with each other
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