Assignment 5 Semester 2 2024
Unique Number:
Due Date: 25 October 2024
Asset Management Strategy for "Fresh Eats Bistro"
"Fresh Eats Bistro" is a small, health-conscious eatery located in the heart of Randburg. The
business aims to serve fresh, organic, and locally sourced meals to customers while
promoting sustainable living. The restaurant will be equipped with a dining area for 50
customers, a kitchen, a storage area for inventory, and administrative space. The primary
assets of "Fresh Eats Bistro" include cash, accounts receivable, inventory, and equipment
(such as kitchen appliances and furniture). Effectively managing these assets is critical to
ensuring the OF USE operation and profitability of the business. This discussion explores the
1. Educational Aid: These study notes are designed to serve as educational aids and should not be considered as a
substitute I wouldresearch,
for individual adopt to critical
the assets of "Fresh Eats
or professional Bistro"Students
guidance. using theareknowledge
conduct their own
working extensive
capital research and
management, consult
cash with their instructors
flow management, or academic
inventory, accounts advisors for specific
receivable, and
assignment requirements.
2. Personal Responsibility:
capital budgeting. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the
information provided in these study notes, the seller cannot guarantee the completeness or correctness of all
the content. It is theWorking
1. Managing responsibility of the buyer to verify the accuracy of the information and use their own
judgment when applying it to their assignments.
3. AcademicThe Integrity:
working Itcapital
is crucial for students
cycle to uphold
represents academic
the flow integrity and
of resources adhere cash,
through to theiraccounts
policies and guidelines regarding plagiarism, citation, and referencing. These study notes should be used as a
tool for learning and
receivable, inspiration,
and inventory.butInany direct business
a small reproduction
the content
Eats without
Bistro,"proper acknowledgment
efficient working and
citation may constitute academic misconduct.
4. Limited capital management
Liability: The sellerisofcrucial to avoid
these study notesrunning outbe
shall not ofheld
cash. Thefor
liable goalanyis direct
to maintain sufficient
or indirect damages,
or consequences arising from the use of the notes.
while ensuring the business operates smoothly. This includes, but is not limited to, poor grades,
academic penalties, or any other negative outcomes resulting from the application or misuse of the information
The working capital cycle for the restaurant includes purchasing fresh ingredients
(inventory), converting them into meals (sales), collecting payment (cash), and then
reinvesting that cash into purchasing more inventory. To optimize the working capital cycle,