PACK 2024
, lOMoARcPSD|31863004
May/June 2020
Total Quality Management
Duration 2 Hours 70 Marks
Open book examination
This paper consists of 24 pages including 2 blank pages.
Section B: Select and answer any two
Examination paper Section A: Compulsory (MCQ)
(2) questions
Section A [10] Question 1 [10] Question 2 [30]
Section B [60] Question 3 [30]
Question 4 [30]
Total marks for paper: [70] Total for section A: [10] Total for section B: 2 x 30 = [60]
This is a fill-in examination paper. Write or type all your answers on the paper in the space provided.
Additional blank pages are provided at the end of the paper, in case you need extra space for your answers.
The examination paper consists of two sections: Section A consists of 10 compulsory multiple-choice
subquestions. Section B consists of three essay-type questions, of which you must select and answer any
two (2) questions.
Take note of the mark allocation for each question and the duration of the paper (2 hours). Plan your time
An additional 1 hour allows you to download your examination paper and upload your completed answered
examination paper extending the time to 3 hours.
Read each question very carefully. Make sure that your answer reflects what has been asked.
Please ensure you fill in and submit the declaration of honesty section. This is compusory.
Please ensure not to spend too much time looking for answers in your books. Instead you must utilise your
books just to reference and apply the information to your case studies to successfully achieve the appropriate
answers to the questions.
Please ensure you upload your completed paper within the 3 hour time frame given to you. If you exceed the
3hour time frame the system will automatically lock you out and you will not be able to upload your paper
Downloaded by Gabriel Musyoka (
, lOMoARcPSD|31863004
2 MNO3703
SECTION A (Compulsory)
All candidates must answer this section. For each subquestion, five possible answers (options)
are given. Select only one option, and write down or type the corresponding number in the
space provided.
Question 1 [10]
1.1) Quality of design is a measure of how well the product or service is designed to achieve
the agreed requirements. Which one of the following statements refers to quality of
1. Quality of design involves a high level of inspection or checking at the end, which is
indicative of attempts to inspect quality.
2. Quality cannot be inspected into products or services; customer services must be
designed into the whole system.
3. Quality of design is a measure of how well a product or service is designed to achieve the
agreed requirements.
4. Quality of design involves people doing the wrong things, but doing them well.
5. Design concerns the quality performance of actual operations.
Answer 1.1 :
1.2) Which one of the following combinations reflects the major features of the total quality
management model?
1. Teams, systems, tools, communication, culture, commitment, process customer and
2. Facilitating communication and sharing best-practice information
3. Understanding, managing performance, guiding, planning, drafting policies and
4. Helping to improve employee motivation
5. Developing new knowledge and skills in an organisation
Answer 1.2 :
Downloaded by Gabriel Musyoka (
, lOMoARcPSD|31863004
3 MNO3703
1.3) What is the process of control?
1. It is the translation of the organisation9s philosophy
2. It is the responsiveness of suppliers and operators
3. It is information or feedback provided to keep all functions on track
4. It is credibility given to operators
5. It has to do with customer courtesy
Answer 1.3 :
1.4) Which one of the following statements best represents a vision framework for an
1. Develop a vision, core values, purpose, mission, strategies and plans, critical success
factors and core processes
2. Develop a mission, design, process, plan, experiment and control
3. Develop a vision, finances, operations, supply chain, stockholders and promoters
4. Develop a mission that demonstrates the organisation9s purpose to make a profit
5. Develop a vision that will generate a high impact on the opposition
Answer 1.4 :
1.5) Which one of the following options sets out the criteria for enablers in the EFQM
excellence model?
1. Leadership, strategy, people, resources and partnerships, processes, products and
2. Leadership, strategy, customer focus, workforce focus, operational focus
3. Leadership, strategy, customer focus, operational focus, results
4. Leadership, strategy, customer focus, workforce focus, results
5. Leadership, strategy, customer focus, strategic planning, results
Answer 1.5 :
Downloaded by Gabriel Musyoka (