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Assignment 6
Semester 2 2024 -
DUE 25 October
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, Exam (elaborations)
HRM2605 Assignment 6 (COMPLETE ANSWERS)
Semester 2 2024 - DUE 25 October 2024
Human Resource Management for Line Managers (HRM2605)
University Of South Africa (Unisa)
Human Resource Management in South Africa
HRM2605 Assignment 6 (COMPLETE ANSWERS) Semester 2
2024 - DUE 25 October 2024; 100% TRUSTED Complete, trusted
solutions and explanationsEnsure your success with us...
QUESTION 1 [25 marks] Read the following scenario and then
answer the questions that follow. Godfrey Makobane is the plant
manager of a light assembly plant in Cape Town. Approximately a
year ago, Melvin Alers, the plant manager from a similar facility in
Gauteng, visited the Cape Town plant. During the visit, the two
managers compared various metrics, including absenteeism and
turnover rates. Melvin's plant reported an average absenteeism
and turnover rate of 5% each. In contrast, Godfrey discovered
that his Cape Town plant had much higher rates: 10%
absenteeism and 12% turnover. Concerned about these
discrepancies, Godfrey met with his HR manager, Ms Amusa, and
his two supervisors to address the issue. During the meeting,
Nomvuyo Bekwa, one of the supervisors, suggested that there
might be a connection between job satisfaction and the high rates
of absenteeism and turnover at the Cape Town plant. A
consultant was hired to investigate further, and a job satisfaction
survey was administered to the Cape Town employees. The
results of the survey were summarised as follows: Job
Satisfaction category Percentage (%) of satisfied employees
, (Happy) Percentage (%) of dissatisfied employees (unhappy) The
job itself 40% 60% Relationships with co-workers 49% 51%
Immediate supervisor 45% 55% Career development/promotions
37% 63% Compensation and benefits 20% 80% The work
environment 35% 65% Godfrey was surprised by the low levels of
job satisfaction reflected in the survey results, which were far
below what he had anticipated for the plant's first assessment of
employee satisfaction. 1.1 As the consultant who administered
the job satisfaction survey, interpret the findings in the table and
provide Godfrey with detailed feedback. In your response: 1.1.1
Discuss each job satisfaction category, explaining possible
reasons for the dissatisfaction indicated in the survey results. (6)
HRM2605: Assessment 06 Semester 02 (2024) 8 © UNISA 2024
1.1.2 Conclude your feedback by summarising the four categories
with the highest levels of dissatisfaction among employees. (4)
1.2 From a line manager’s perspective, suggest possible solutions
to improve employees’ job satisfaction and morale and reduce
employee turnover and absenteeism. In your answer, identify [5
marks] and discuss [5 marks] five HR functions or processes that
must be implemented or enhanced to address the identified
issues and improve job satisfaction. (10) 1.3 What are the
potential consequences for the Cape Town branch if Godfrey
does not address the challenges and fails to improve employees’
job satisfaction? (5) QUESTION 2 [15 marks] I asked ChatGPT to
generate a response to the following question: You are a line
manager in a medium to large organisation. What is your main
role and responsibility in the following HR functions: 2.1
Workforce planning 2.2 Recruitment and selection 2.3 Orientation
and onboarding 2.4 Performance management 2.5 Training and
development Below is the response obtained from ChatGPT
(ChatGPT, 2024): As a line manager in a medium to large
organisation, your main role and responsibility in the following HR
functions are: 2.1 Workforce Planning • Forecasting Needs:
Anticipate future staffing requirements based on business goals
and operational demands. 2.2 Recruitment and Selection •