,CAS1501 Assignment 6 (COMPLETE ANSWERS) Semester
2 2024 (731393) - DUE 29 October 2024; 100% TRUSTED
Complete, trusted solutions and explanations.
C1 Reflect on your CAS1501 journey. Describe in one full
sentence how your encounter with CAS1501 is already
influencing your own perspective of your future as an
accountancy professional. C2 From the CASE STUDY, COPY
the full sentence indicating the basis of PICS’s criminal charges
against Mr Gwarube. Remember to add quotation marks. C3.1
The CASE STUDY states: “A South African organisation
focused on Protecting the Interests of Civic Society (PICS) laid
criminal charges against Mr Gwarube”. Do your own research
on what makes charges “criminal”. Considering the CASE
STUDY content, motivate why the charges against Mr Gwarube
are considered “criminal”. C3.2 Reference the source used for
own research in C3.1. C4 From the CASE STUDY, copy the full
sentence describing the accusation brought against Mr Gwarube
by PICS. Remember to add quotation marks. C5 Considering the
CASE STUDY and Study unit, motivate how Mr
Gwarube compromised the required role. Structure your answer
as follows: In the eyes of society, Mr Gwarube … C6 From
Study unit 2.2.2, COPY the ONE MOST RELEVANT skill that
Mr Gwarube was clearly lacking. Remember to add quotation
marks. C7 Considering the information in the CASE STUDY,
from Study unit 2.2.2 COPY TWO KEY attributes of the skill
copied in C6 that Mr Gwarube clearly lacked. Remember to add
quotation marks. C8 Considering the information in the CASE
STUDY and Study unit, conclude whether KiloWatt falls
, into the private or public sector. C9 Considering Study unit, motivate your answer in C8. C10 Considering your
answer in C8, name the ONE party with the agency role of the
main MANAGEMENT of KiloWatt. C11.1 Considering Study
unit and the information in the CASE STUDY, identify
ONE KEY mechanism used by KiloWatt as mitigation of
problems. C11.2 Considering Study unit and the
information in the CASE STUDY, identify A SECOND KEY
mechanism used by KiloWatt as mitigation of problems. C12
From the information in the CASE STUDY, name the capacity /
role Mr Gwarube filled at KiloWatt? C13 Considering all
information in the CASE STUDY and Study unit,
conclude whether Mr Gwarube fulfilled the requirements of his
role in C12 or not. Answer only YES or NO. C14 Considering
Study unit and the information in the CASE STUDY,
provide ONE KEY MOTIVATION for your answer in C13. C15
Considering Study unit, compare the CATEGORIES of
the role occupied by Mr Gwarube and Mr Steenhuisen at
KiloWatt as stated in the CASE STUDY. Provide the
comparison in your answer. Structure your answer as follows:
Mr Gwarube was ……… and Mr Steenhuisen was ……… at
KiloWatt. C16 Considering your answer in C15, conclude
whether Mr Gwarube and Mr Steenhuisen had the same
relationship with the owners of KiloWatt or not. Answer YES or
NO. C17 Considering Study unit, motivate your answer
in C16. C18 Considering Study unit and the
information in the CASE STUDY, conclude whether Mr
Gwarube’s and the other five directors met the requirement or
not. Answer only YES or NO. C19 COPY ONE SENTENCE