,Introduction [5] In no less than five sentences,
introduce your assessment by telling us who you are
and what you will write about. First Portfolio Activity
[10] Task 1: Screenshot (3) In Unit 0, you were
asked to write a reflection in which you introduce
yourself by telling us who you are and answering
some questions about yourself and your language
background. (First Portfolio Activity). Take a
screenshot of your First Portfolio activity and paste it
into your assessment. If you did not complete the
activity at the beginning of the semester, you will not
be awarded marks as we look at the date when the
activity was completed. Task 2: First Portfolio
Activity Reflection (7) Re-write your first portfolio
activity based on what you have learned while
working through the module AFL1501. Tell us more
about yourself and what has changed since you first
wrote your First Portfolio. You will not be allocated
marks if you do not write your first portfolio activity.
, Introduction
In this section, introduce yourself and provide an
overview of what you will be discussing in the
portfolio. Aim for at least five sentences. Here’s an
example structure:
1. Who You Are: Briefly describe yourself, such as
your background and any relevant personal or
academic interests.
2. Current Studies: Mention that you are currently
studying the AFL1501 module and any other
modules that you may find relevant.
3. Purpose of the Portfolio: Explain that the
purpose of this portfolio is to reflect on your
journey through AFL1501.
4. Content of the Assessment: Outline what each
task in the portfolio will involve (i.e., taking a
screenshot, reflecting on the original portfolio
5. Learning Goals: Mention any personal learning
goals for this assessment, such as developing a
deeper understanding of language or reflecting on
personal growth.