SJD1501 Assignment 7
ANSWERS) Semester 2
2024 (554240) - DUE 11
November 2024
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, Exam (elaborations)
ANSWERS) Semester 2 2024 (554240) - DUE 11 November
Social Dimensions of Justice (SJD1501)
University Of South Africa (Unisa)
Social Dimensions of Law and Justice
SJD1501 Assignment 7 PORTFOLIO (COMPLETE ANSWERS) Semester 2
2024 (554240) - DUE 11 November 2024 ; 100% TRUSTED Complete,
trusted solutions and explanations.. Ensure your success with us..
1. In the case of H v W, Judge Nigel Willis said, "...The law has to take into
account changing realities not only technologically but also socially, or else it
will lose credibility in the eyes of the people. Without credibility, law loses
legitimacy. If law loses legitimacy, it loses acceptance. If it loses acceptance,
it loses obedience. It is imperative that the courts respond appropriately to
changing times, acting cautiously and with wisdom.
In H v W, Judge Nigel Willis emphasizes the need for law to
adapt to evolving technological and social landscapes. He points
out that if the law does not evolve to meet these changes, it risks
losing its credibility, which is foundational to its legitimacy.
Without legitimacy, the law may lose the acceptance and
obedience of the public. Judge Willis advocates for a careful and
wise approach from the courts in responding to these societal
shifts, ensuring that the law remains relevant and respected. This
perspective underscores the importance of flexibility in legal
systems to maintain public trust and adherence.