, lOMoARcPSD|18222662
TRL4861 Exam guide for January/February 2022
1. The Exam
The exam paper for Jan/Feb 2022 will consist of four essay type questions of
25 marks each.
You will have to answer all the four questions.
From the many prescribed articles for this module, I have selected 10 which
you can concentrate on for the Jan/Feb 2022. Please see embedded
documents at the end of this document.
2. Allocation of exam marks
Please note that you will receive an overall mark for your exam. This means that the
marker reads through each exam answers and gives an overall mark. The marker
will not tick every sentence or paragraph. This approach advantages the students
more because the marker concentrates more on the positive things presented on the
Please note that at the honours level, a lot more is required from a student than it is
at the undergraduate level. Therefore, a simple copy and paste from the articles do
not grant you a pass mark.
3. The marks you will receive will be based on the following:
a. This guideline
b. Students’ overall presentation and use of other sources
c. Understanding of the work, showing that you did not just summarise the articles
or other author’s work
d. Application of the theory in the context of the questions – not just copying the
theory from the study material or other sources and writing it in your own words.
You needed to show that you understand and interpret the theory and apply it in
the context of the question
, lOMoARcPSD|18222662
e. Your answers will be assessed based on the application of the theory, not on
content only. Cutting or copying and pasting will not give you marks. Instead, it
will put you in trouble
4. Further suggestions for the upcoming exam:
a) Get hold of the Unisa referencing guide. The Unisa Harvard referencing guide
was sent to you under ‘Announcements’ on myUnisa. Look for examples of
referenced material
b) Practice how to answer application questions. Read the content of the articles
imbedded here. Make sure you understand the content and write the answers
in a way as if you are interpreting what you read, not just summarising it. Then
apply that theory in the context of your questions (do not just reproduce the
articles or any other document. If you do so, it is called plagiarism.
c) Inform yourself about plagiarism.
d) Practice citing and referencing – there are rules when referencing; you need to
show that you know how to cite and reference different documents
e) Avoid writing answers to long questions (10-25 marks) in bullets. If you do, you
will lose marks.
f) Write neatly, simple English
g) Write enough facts to warrant a good mark; each point is worth a mark, so
avoid writing one fact in one very long paragraph and expect many marks
h) It is not only about the number of pages that matters; it is the content,
application – showing that you understand the work that counts the most.
However, for an assignment of 25 marks, I expect at least 4-5 pages
i) Your answer must be written/typed in Arial 12 font size and one and a half line
j) Be careful of spelling mistakes.
k) Do not write in bullets – for a long question of 25 marks, you always write
essay/report style with introduction, discussion and conclusion.
l) Always write full sentences in paragraphs with heading and sub-heading
wherever needed.
m) Make sure you reference your work correctly. Otherwise you don’t get marks for
, lOMoARcPSD|18222662
n) Do not write your assignment all in capital letters
o) All long question needs the following
a. Introduction
b. Discussion
c. Conclusion
A short summary and analysis of the above
Provide suggestions with examples and must be well referenced
You can include some well-referenced recommendations here
Ryneveld 2008.pdf Walters 2013.pdf Rodrigues et al. Cervero,%20Golub%Pedersen 2001.pdf
2008.pdf 202007.pdf
Perkins, Fedderke, Flyvbjerg, Skamris Luke, Walters Ramon-Rodriguez, Armstrong, Green
Luiz 2005.pdf Holm, Buhl 2005.pdf 2013.pdf Moreno-Izquierdo, Pe 2005.pdf