Ine Grxrl (iu.L;
D cvT;;t DigiiNiriot{g 9EINNC-
I rnoror ffitrn'c rfithe b@K rs .hak rht AifvAualac gcclsLq te bqng 'Tn c .gettinq t(rk0s Ptdce tn Neu! Vori(. N,LK,tht V0;Le in t(re nOvei , i,;
gho',c r'.'ith estqb - A{\q rflcu.Li ti'oif. M rr1fl e 9c cct birr trdi,sl5 Co Ntw V,r(. ?he-rt he er1--rc.rrr.rl
brui(3J? intD ..,,i^D gePclo}}} qrcuiru Tlre q(o'rpg a-i g
tisrrq:L tru;les ,,lrd. U..l'rc i.tith e';ccrhti',hec{ ncrrneq ' ctird
thoric {es ihg jrttreflce betute-r: ihtEeSc ag"i tutd, l,.tcsc crl c1 ctJtct tr t9 oi
thl! [cntlrd e9r 'i5 cL te7e5cnLatlc{? Ot t trC n trur q
f** icmc into *r".9 u.r:g +"'cNig u^J''hra Ne,at YorV< tn the novgi hi egg
^iu qro.rpr f,h(1rlo.u11e55 alid i;h;rnCIorc5 ii dclror "{at:tcL f l tiz , (L Cornrnoo cC( u;'o1,1(t I n the 1:.i, 3,J!, cwci the Eaet r-'-l'I boeh
;;;:"i cf t,v'ng t.ves c( worEhY pur;u;ci: ihci tle concentro- P resenLe the o\d., esitabhthad rrch f,'arnrtres 114. orrd G:tt^Lstrtl
;';'r;;d,, oJ, gn I r't t pc'-l' i s cu1 d co c'trlt'oted Grnn'cdih'r l,ve io thP bJeeL Egg becoute thelr fdr tufle5 6lre n (.i! , tDhere4s thtre-
ge4tdtion oF Cu'lt;Ocratlc Porse a-r'd tr;ecrlth l9 ernhodted. ln Pa;9 9
cU|14 rom u,gy1c, iiv€ in thr' E<rs L E 99 vniaq tht Negi E$c1 ts 6L6l ?9c) '
ldta P;c(c.i itl"l c[ ccrtiect ]he V ai te J cf
4shr's 'Thrt va.[reg iilulrr(rtcs
thc moral corruPLion ot the ttrne
e p?rnl, ut- vierd ci thiq bcot< rnairr.t g rurrr'ar(t bU Nlct &urqwagbuio;€erL
intorporoles dJalogu e ln uJhrch N,cl( 19 nOL prercnL, Nid< lsct ftrerd of
gutg onctlbm's on cl he rnov es to N Cr^r york cLtter th e i,.rar tn r:rder
hie ernPtog ine,nL to 9116 fg)n.dt bu,rn(S5 - ln ihe bCq
to Puriue
trres ettc.birt h Crectrirility b9 rialtnq th(ll he, 19 t(an ctr ntf,t
t{ick co
tc ? fo reqervd d-l i iuarg"''i?' urts ') t i) Cn.ct
clattr.s to [rcrve mcu..l tt:,n t-r
l-0 ( 0{1.dS tP,ch Lht Chcrcr'oel 5 tft
the l-rct)t( A $'i.J mlng thlg it rnrr{n L
h'rt ct,'ckri'r< arrl- eh a $ituaJlcns
The bcor< i:'! mon 9 (do},.tott5n\P$ thai ol0 cDifPlri (ii1cl-
rlEtrit tog rve crlJ cUtcrL'iritU to N rck ttncl' t Jhq he u.,ro-rd (e e.i Lhaneer{- to
'Itrtc if rtlU;r;rcl-l ecl rn thc felcr.i:tontfrrP bo*iveer1. it ctl ."17 4'tt-t-,'id 1 LCnte:"t\ \nq^ Fgr I qi{,.n9 the
ClririaU,u '
rstoblt.,hed (rficur Nlth ,i(., (trlYrrhin9 dbcoc fi $ab i ir ty co rerr,,rve J udrj Crngrrtjudg
Du1e9 oncl Torn "Tom ho9 a long rc ihaX he d.oec flt aj(^tag 5 reg(yve emvnl
4fe rekindlrn$ the-t 0ld r ihlle incllnatio FUFilA)
Mgtile , Nhile D6reg Ond Guf,>bg boo K i5 Nr.k rectecLrng 6a,tsbg )
)n the lP66 , mdncJ 4a&EKY.\ fhe ftnal Po rttoft o( the
f'rrurdshrP Due to tho od'rirenj r,lgcu; he lectv ,"5 NeiN
tucul9 Dcrrlgi lcctloi:sg ,aSuitr
thu (:crrnoJitq olrnartarJc Eve 'forns n-l l5UrE:,*g -ih'r
ao Lhe rnui'Ller Llr
a/]Ltclcnwil ) c{ea-bh
5 fringec evg?$ ihctt' ltctc{ [o ttrc cledtho'
r'Torrf! 'a.,n-cl Uarsg'goor-f
slry 16 thr: e4 6l t hC iflCu rlct 61,9Pic
a?tllt{s -) cr-'i,rpitrl i^'th Dcue9 p'd
iogetn cr. fne d cc\Lh> cu:,d
iaiJe d:,are titcutotlt: Pct'tdn ')WUkLhe
tev,iaa a( banga bic fd
ovu realtg ynza1v;a4ali( fiuf|clle a5 censtr'
, Engiirh Pqp..r r Nore,
Ine gre(rl G&bog t) g F. 9c{)it.Frcequ-.r]d ,o.5 (lr lncl rtdsnq
e rnurded o( M grtlt, 15 rn15are55. Lli].pctr
.* feveal/) rtore clbout 6crLebg! absv;,"r on u.1,uh p69r q ' and ctt ctlg
9i,MMaFt w,th hts death. ftre gin.1 Llfipte( igaborc thc iad< 6tr [ruo ((tet1d-
A vrjon rnto thc r,x$ng lq 1or, FitzqerdJct <ctpprer Ehe cleccrdts the ghtp thr]]- 6ut9b9 ncrcl ,an<l tinlsnes i.urth N;ck ieavrn$ 4n r'r'1.
pDi'lrctnr org@1rrcltiofl.,J t<fCtc/ t'r uhcil l;hE bcc,K t9 cold er()rn N,clti
n,lrf eCt Nidc ta;-rOwctg , Thir (e.llou.r iS an Aaisi()er Nho, for d.9rj - prrep,r.livg, aleHlB ,T.,4Jorr19 e( ri1r" srrcil.j (}9 ie ht0.5 thue , b,,rc ,rn<.t;
rnl4Cf e(purcr-es 5[1e qrondcur'and qldna\Jro€ Newl York 'rhc. wreh<r, rebr,ispecLivL. per:,pc'chve of Nh()i huppurrct wnerr CfrLrug
Pr,)ilqc,1,tc , 64reb9 ,lg fu9 nc.ghbour or)cl tfcrnt uobcCc fnerI?- dJrd .
b*tr dt lhd cloi.rtegrent.d re7.o; Hlg PAJ'ttr.j cue thc f(Ul( Of thd
Lor.lrr. , tho,;qrr hc ir not Lhrouingthdll fur enldYrneng
'There.d;'jic,fi alE cENlAe L aUESIONI / ENOUATNG t65uE
p'or thu pc1jties 15 6x1 16tegi-cr.l
Vcu'toc ihe fcfi\.u'lbic themr-' through' rio.u, do pL'c)pr! ctahjuvrr ''l'rue hqppinegs '? the n vel ctec{s hrtth thrrDD
eirlf thC bOor< , J"u,rtap agr<.\ ta ihcsc p0.rii$ i t hig dialch , *lh ich inuJ<a ihcu dre vsq oiAvlt ta trruure rhegu rhcmcg rn thrince ia the lrcc,"r
them po',rsttrt r, i: ur gue rn 'v tu bt t.l gctkn Uitifiottlg thu cc\n Lthbbtu &i'c crj I e^((}i'rlple9 Elnak A;zquaicl isggc, E 6ho-.r o..r cttlz; oF hau,n'
thal: tr,rr'et; ft?ifi n1t/rEg,lD$t, po,uef , al ir0.9urL tn tcrfibtf deam. d$t,d.aD),,darfiq
th& 1q1,1t r/.loUrzi eureffpt ca €iqd h.lPPint'ss
(r e cclu(tL:rg, i'€vcrclt?, rnont'g .) Be(Iru)c ai tlr,: t {LYemi bg I fl tht'Sr
ofltrANiz4 f tolvnL t'4 rrEn N i OrL9,and" l'ctcl<ot happrneSS in Lhe aclori ,tt15 cteq.r
ar.r, ,, drtit(u.b to oriirevc' Rq Glioi-uinq {ar Lhe cU'9cu55\on o€
ine 6** 6-.ueog isOrqd.lt.ruct rntD unLti;tcdchupturs.Thr, elferchaP'
N'naL Aocrib,;te9 tc true ircrppineSg !'rhich arlctrCtlc5 i€vf{1Gc I
iU sul5 ehe hr,r< up irg r[.;crrf iag lhe nUTAlal , N;r.ltuU,rialrrag, c].:[jl
.oad rncneg ' gludentl odn cteue'top chelr arvn ldeas of
hl, miqrotroil Lo licru Yui< :-1i,gs Pdc'plclcf inLtrcst 4l'e rntroduf,cct, "ir.".rJr.;,g rhcu(eg thertt hd"PPY
NtclcE oicl lYrer,.r). D,r,l3 eind her'ho;ou-ct Tool Atthe ci'irc ci thl"
6abie b (r,rP'
chuFue, Nid< expc.r'rulrcel C-oL.sirg tor'uhc Firsc ttm{-' ' The seconc{ Wi{,4 I VoJtJ, cto \^t[' plAce 0A m oneg I htQtxakl i'..lcLs
r-lruprcr is dudrccL[cd to acl,;iccrr-'ir, b&]'lovio"r/ r:f Tdrn ' i^'lho rcr'l<e;
hir Lore ihe tqxos hi' vatqn e rq.Ifit o( vna+rqdhdAes.( i? '
oC (n orle4 AId V irne clurraq ihig ?c.rtoct wt/-q cc\o '
rion f he ti:cgts ',u,th
ilnt6rrttJ Mgrbie td i\idN Vori\, Erirow'nq thrs chupicr 3 rt tocu:;t'cl pircdlecl be/,..;.l)tc Prevrarrlg ,?neLh o( thtr lYro4t'9 ( ro'-r'' o"lrnll,ca
(ddr ghi er C'&Lib-j
0n Cdr)b\j tlnd his larnoa, FarLiet thapvu rhaf ir4cl been ini:Lucntra-l icr tr-. (onq drnf uJ&! c' rcl tlonC{
t )
rTtor, rlesnirran bg tha*,aq hil poi^rer to & 'ac]drg44:5 tnetJ)nlcrreg . uunlch
Durrnq thig ulme LhcJe i/\1t19 cl.l1 Uilrlglnq df
cerl bg hrs abil,tg-t o !t>L ouof ttprrrr'rng tict(e-,b If It Ehefe ftsu,cid irL unHnorln f &rrr[rtS- nov{nq inri'tn4e !!'Ehin the
ir in thqts i! (ldebcde 4'; L-d i,{hn-{: t5 1't'ctJtg imf1iiuc6t , or,d fldneLJ vs
thatTorctan,o lrrend. a€ Ddrg 'i:c'rl'> Nick thal'Gtrt>rzg
love Nrch Oot'rg cnoPuer Fivedescrib(-s GuthJJ ob5e$9iorl
i^rith nC [,\i r{1'] Cn (f,- {6 mdiff ltt r(Tl @tl,0r) td;dt'
l)arq Onct ihelr meetrflnt;Ltc<t r;hc'rr ldng esrran'gefirY'L:
ltr ii/( L€{li, cf G .,Lro!, ib'rn"r irfe ar"r ol' lttultrales tha'he ii 9 noi
the rn{ul mr.mgbehevg hirn a: be The foilorNing ck.api'(,r ti:ell9f-a''n
i'e:,(!:rof-tlr'rlP btlltree'rr Ac*'bti ctl"'<l Dc'99
cl€vDtapin Q