, Primary Care The Art and Science of Advanced Practice Nursing ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e , e ,e
anInterprofessional Approach 6th Edition Dunphy Test Bank
,e ,e ,e , e , e , e , e , e
Table , e of Contents
Chapter , e 1. Primary Care in the Twenty-First Century: A
Circleof ,e Caring
1. A nurse has conducted a literature review in an effort
, e , to identify
e , e , e , e , e , e , e
the effect ofhandwashing on theincidence of nosocomial ,e , e , e , e
, (hospital-acquired) infections in acute care settings. An article presented
e , e , e , e ,e , e , e , e
, findings at
e a level of significance of <0.01.
, e , e
This indicatesthat
A) the control group and the experimental group were more v than
, e , e , e , e 99% similar
B) the findings of the study have less than 1% chance v of being
, e , e , e , e attributable
tochance. ,e
C) the effects of the intervention were nearly , e
D) the clinical significance of the findings was less than 1:100.
Ans: B
Feedback: The level of significance is the level at which the researcher
, e ,e ,e , e , e , e , e , e , e , e
believesthat thestudy resultsmost likely ,e , e
, e v represent a nonchance event. A
,e level of significance of <0.01 , e , e , e , e ,e ,e , e , e
, e indicates thatvthere is less than 1% probability that the
, e ,e , e , e , e ,e
,e result is due to chance. , e ,e
2. A nurse has read , e ,e ,e a qualitative research
, e study in order to , e
understand the livedexperienceof parentswhovhave a ,e , e ,e , e
, e loss. Which of the following questions
,e ,e ,e ,e ,e
should the nurse , e prioritize when appraising the results of this study? ,e ,e , e , e
A) How well did v the authors capture the personal experiences of these parHow , e ,e
well did v thevauthors control for confounding variables that may have
,e ,e ,e
affectedthe findings?
,e ,e
B) Did the atuhors , e , e use statistical measures that were appropriate to
the phenomenon inquestion? ,e
C) Were the , e instruments that the researchers , e used statistically valid and reliable?
Ans: A
Feedback: Qualitative studies are judged on the , e basis of how well , e , e , e , e , e
they captureand convey the subjective experiences ,e , e , e ,e ,e , e
of , individuals.
e Statistical measures and variables ,e
arenot dimensions of aqualitative methodology. , e , e
3. A nurse has expressed skepticism to a
, e , e , e , e , e , e colleague about the value of
, nursing research, claiming
,e , thatnursing
e research has little
, e , e relevance
, eto practice. How can thenurses
, e , e ,e colleaguebest
,e defend the importance of
, e ,e ,e , e
nursing research?