, lOMoARcPSD|21997160
Oct/Nov 2024
The Audit Process
100 marks
Duration: 3 hours
This paper consists of ELEVEN (11) pages.
1. This is a CLOSED-BOOK examination.
2. This is a PROCTORED examination.
3. This examination question paper consists of seven (7) questions.
4. Answer all the questions.
5. Start each question on a new (separate) page.
1) The Invigilator app (as per your examination guidelines)
• Ensure that you are connected to the internet to log in to the Invigilator app and scan this QR code.
• If you encounter any difficulty in scanning the QR code, you can instead enter the exam access
code below the QR code to start the invigilation.
• Unless otherwise specified by your institution, note that you can scan this QR code only once. If
your assessment has multiple online sections, tests or attempts, you should NOT finish the
invigilation until your entire assessment has been completed.
• Only scan the QR code when the assessment formally commences.
• The QR code is scannable for a limited time only; therefore scan it as soon as possible to start the
• Once the QR code has been scanned, ensure your media volume is turned up and place your
cellphone/smartphone next to you. The Invigilator app will notify you with a notification beep when
you are required to action a request, which you should then perform.
• We recommend that you keep your cellphone/smartphone on charge for the duration of the
• If you have only one device, you may access your assessment in the application by pressing the
“Access Exam” button in the top right-hand corner of your app.
• Keep the Invigilator app open on your cellphone for the full duration of the assessment. Do not
minimise or leave the app.
• Ensure you are connected to the internet to start the invigilation, as well as at the end of the
assessment. However, no internet connection is required during the assessment.
• You must adhere to the assessment time limit communicated to you by your institution, as the time
, lOMoARcPSD|21997160
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October/ November 2024
displayed in the Invigilator app might differ from the time allocated to complete your assessment.
• You can click the "Finish Assessment" button in the app if you finish your assessment early.
• Note the following if you are performing a written or scan-and-upload assessment:
The Invigilator app may request you to take a picture of every page of your answer sheet at the end
of the assessment. Unless otherwise specified by your institution, this does NOT replace the normal
uploading of your script to your institution’s online portal.
• After completing invigilation and following all the app instructions, you must upload your Invigilation
app data. If there is a delay in the uploading of the app data at the end of the assessment, you
should prioritise the uploading of your answer script to your university portal and you can temporarily
minimise the app to do so. Uploading of app data is not time-sensitive, so you can return and do it
after you have successfully uploaded your script to the examination portal.
• Should you encounter any technical difficulties, please WhatsApp The Invigilator Helpdesk on 073
505 8273.
2) Honesty declaration
By submitting my examination solution, I declare the following:
• I know what plagiarism is, that plagiarism is wrong and that disciplinary steps might be
taken against me if I am found guilty of plagiarism.
• This examination solution, submitted by myself, is my own work.
• I have not assisted any other student in any manner, nor have I received the assistance
of any other person, in completing this examination.
• I know that if I am found to be in violation of this declaration, I will receive 0% for this
Note: You do not have to sign the declaration. By submitting your solution, you automatically declare
that you adhere to all the above regarding this specific examination.
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, lOMoARcPSD|21997160
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October/ November 2024
3) Submission instructions
Suggestion: Start uploading your answer file three (3) hours after the start of the examination
session, AT THE LATEST, to allow enough time for any delays in the process.
You MUST submit your answers in ONE PDF file.
The file name of your PDF document must be in the following format:
Student number, space, AUE3761. For example: 33445566 AUE3761.
Submission method:
• Go to myExams at and log in with your myUnisa credentials,
namely your student number and password.
• Click on the name of the specific examination site.
• Scroll through the site tabs on the horizontal navigation bar and click on the eAssessment tool
in the left-hand navigation menu.
• Once the eAssessment page has loaded, select the assessment for which you want to upload
the examination answer file by clicking on the link under the heading “Assignment Title”.
This paper deals with the following main topics:
(Try not to deviate from this)
Question Topic Marks Time in minutes
1 Risks of material misstatement at assertion level 14 25
2 Tests of controls: Accounts Payable 12 22
3 Substantive procedures 17 30
4 The audit process 22 40
5 Non-financial information 6 11
6 Ethics 14 25
7 Laws and regulations 15 27
Time taken to complete the examination 100 180
Examination answer file upload time (in minutes) 30
Total time 210
The main objective of the examination is to test your knowledge and ability to apply the study
material. However, the examiners will also consider your ability to organise and present that
knowledge in writing at an acceptable standard.
Downloaded by Thomas Mboya ()