------ - -••- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- . sn ugg\Q b-etweet\ rhe two l"uperpowen ; rhe USA and tne US'SR
--· ➔ \J SA wa r I up po rte d oy t ne wE5T
-- -+ U)~R wo~ fuppor f ed by other commun,~t govevhmenn, the SOVIET BLOC
L--' :. 0 · -o
1--- co ld War wa s also a c\Q)h bHwe,en [OciaJ al\d, ec-ono rMcJs- \fV.t:eros a.r,d
1 - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - : . . ; . . . ; _ __ _ _ _ _ ____::.__ _ __
~ riv al politita\ ideo1oq1 0J: capito\i~m vH1us cornrnut11srn
,he Co\d War,~ the· tom~ehHon betwreeh cap,·ta\iim ahd coO\rnun,sm
to become \ho doro\nunt g\obcil doctr,ne.
tI . . ·. H\ Q : w.a.Yi : ~ ll' &: "'uu\d."· O~ CCl ·.u ~ e 1i1t
I r (,\ QV Q;J: Q:Q,vt\:Op~,cl ·, -:•! CR\1ER\A 1 -f OR • I '
. . 1n t.6: . CL c-on:v tnt rona \.1 V-JcH:t .~ -o.0v n1n, r\ t ~as1J.~ct·1 ~ot " d !
, .,, su.per power ltattH •)
I ; • I '
_l.i.1h ca 1:c.n sQJi &; .r, .. 1 ,,/ ,Eco norn,~..sto b\li'ty
ovn , i 4-10 ry~vJ- 1·.a.rid -:ca. us,ed po~,,,.,_,.,,,_, • .. • •...- ,.. I ..- ' • f . • ._ I
r w'<.u.11n
mi ~1~_
ur.y (01'\ f \il ti QY()\H\d t~P world . i
. ~- . - ~· ~.(-.JJ.i.ltl llt.lJJ
, 11 ✓ RH oure es 11 I
➔ 1n~ us ~05 dQffi OCY Q1lC· Q cl QQ~ \t,Q \ I ~ t
,__ _
~ tn~ s ov i Qt u~i~~ w(l) dictc1tot\°al and corn mlm in
_ ._ · d_t_\\_Q_c_o1_d_w_cn_d_Q_v_Q\_o_~_?
W_h~.;:__d1_ - - - - - -- - -- - -~
_ · ©ut i\\~ t\\Q \<\JC.~, tnQ USA Q\"\d USSR united to clHH\t tneh common ..
~"Qm~. \\le N~r,s a·HH -t\\e \so viQ t Un ion ~Q s 1 ii\vade~ in ·~C\4'\
- - -=--- - - - - - - - - " - ~ - - - - - - -- - -- - ---.r
-=-_ BUt - \1
_ Qn \ \ o "s ~ Q\J Q\Q 9 d w\ tt\ \{\ H\ ~_ _G_ru_i\_c\ _A_\\_i(\_\'\_t~- - - -- - -
:- _ _ S\Q.\ i (\ ~Ho.m~ ';\.l~f1 c,,o\Vi of 'i\\~ WQst 'oHCllJ.H . . ~ . P . ~I
- •-
· fv oM ~q'+i
the ussR cQnied ,nQ tl\a\r\ ~u~dQ n 1n 1hQ f19nt Qg o\tHf
_ tn~ NQi is :. ~ov ie t cu~ uQ\ti QS bQ9on t o mo unt'. 1\'\e us lYQH,~ tj up
, ' 0 se~ohd no nt 'o~ invc1d1ng NorrnQncly , f=ro
n~e (J\.l\Y, 194-4·) which
I StQllh rnw o.s a d~ pu~posQfll\\~ wPaKH\ H,e USSR.
: . USA ondeQ thQ LQ\)d - lQQse ugvQQ\1\Qht
tho \ pvovided QSSQnt iq\
~u~~\1e~ to tn\l sov1Qt5.
' . ihe WQ\t WQ\ sec VH\vQ {lOO U\ the Qt
Orl'IIC boro'o . it 1/vCH cteve\oµeq
ct un n g i \-\ Q w,H . b\.I \ sto I i n w q ~ on\
y inf onn Qcl ab ou1 i t Q ft H 1he
NU7i dQfQ(l\-. 1hQ us Hne~ -\;\'\Q 'oO'rnti V'-J itnout CO ~SUl\l\'\g Rus~iQ.
ThQ ~a\tQ COY\tQYQt\tQ l fQ tY\HHY ~q4~)
• t'"'d Ot WV\J1) GH.\t\O A\\\Q{\(Q \QQQH~ met if\ ~Q
• ~00 \~V Q\t , StU\ih, C\-\uvc\\(\\
... ·. . : tdQ0.1-Qg\c O. \..~.Hf r~Ht:\c.e.s- \l~·tW ~Qn ..th~ ..u~SR .Q.1,d..th e w ~\.t~
- A\ \ I Q~ \) Qg~ \I \ 0 YQ ~ Uy.f ,QC Q •. •• · • , . ·. . : . -
~X) . ·
1, •
• • • • • ~, · • _, ·,
_ Pur posQ : 1C> dQt\dQ ~nut ;o do ubo\..\t Ge~muf\~, und
1 cont t~ out\,ri Q~
· r o\\Qd by oevmany ," Eus~ erh Eur op e of\ t ~ t
..... I h e Na 1 , ~ had
I bQet\ deteQtQd \Y\ war, ahd to d(scuss now to att
uc~ 1aµan .
-I_ -
_:..j • 1~ t'\ s\oh ~Q~ i hd , he of t \cIll\ co nH u\i \ y ( c\v iI\~~. .---~ --- -~------
- .
t yf
\ :. 1111 ogmments ei\\'IQd u~ brn,g Hl fl~
m1 y col'rl~i Oll\11e1 1ilu1
d\d not SQ.1t\Q tt\Q \)\~9Q\ \';S\.\Q~
, ➔-G- - -- - - -
eYma ny wou\d nQ d(vI cl ~ d.in-t o {our occu Qt I o
r) s , o oe
odm1·niHQrQd ·b\J t\\Q US/\, IJ~~R.~Y itC\\\\ ~ ~Xt\
t\CQ yQspQC1,vQ\~
➔ 1'l o a9vQQ\'Y\ Qn\ rQll cnQct oh u uni for rn
~ ySt Qrn of gove Ynm en t
m thQ dif f HQn, 1ones
'. ➔ £Cl. ~ \ Qvri £\Ho ~ QQn cout\ \ v\Qs- v,H H to b
e. ..u\\QwQd t o no\ d ~ vN
Q\Ql\ io~ s- to c\\ooi;Q ho~ t\\QIJ 'N~u\u ~ Q
~oVHt\QU ~ A\\\Qd t)~t\arat 10
Of\ \.\\) ~Hl\~U t\.l.XO\)Q -
, - - \t\,QY~YQ\Q\\On
· 5t011f\'S -
. ___,.___ of dQ mocvat~ WQs very d1ffQreht norn th~
othH Q\lle~ . 1~ USSR hoW~VH UQYeed to join the : -
u"it Qd ~ Q h O~ s wh O~ Q C\ ·n~ ~ eQC Q pOst-war
it w(H 1 0 K~ ep
. war a 9uIr\ ~ ' J uPQ n C\ f t Qr t \\ e wQr , ( n Eur oPe \J\J at over -- 7
Roo~ eve\t ~ a~ ed \- \\ e uN to Int Qvven e.-----------l··
st a\ in wan t ed pro t Q_cr C\ go(t\ n f ut-u-ve- 0e.r rn an ~ ~ rH - - -
Ch~Ych\\\ didn't want io qivQ. ~,alih too W n ~ower
I The Potsdctm conferente -t JU\y·-Augurt 1945)
- No lof\gQr a noQd for the Grand ,A\\\Qnce teennany wa~ clPfeatedJ
. Mi~ truq & ~u~9l'c1otH wQVe VQry QV i' det\t
. USA and ~vitoin \lot" \'\ad c\itfHQ\'\t \~QdHs- (T-Vut'Y\an and ·Atlee)
I , •• - , - - ••
~ I .. :
-- ---------------,----------
' I i • ' ' • I • I
NutnbQY of chQnqes hod tQ~Qt)•i \),\O('e:?v,,l,\c\:\: -~l'ffQttQd reiotiOMhiDs oetwQet'i ·the
- -
t-hree \eqder~ :
• SGV\Qt Ar my c,on-\rn\\ed rnuch of EastHn curope __________
➔ commum·s, gov Qn,mQnt wu~ SQ\ upf b4 na\iri ·i~.Po\anct ·, gofng ~ga_i_ns_t _ _
- -,\'\Q W\S\\Q\ of-\\\~ ~o\,·s\\ mciJoY-(ty
➔ \YUl'<\QY\ W\H rouch roore o.nh-comrnut\i~t and s~s~i~i'ous of Stalin
t\\CH\ Q.()csQVQ\t \\Qd beQn
➔ TQ \\) \ 0 f\ <; b QC CA I.AS Q Of t\\ e us Q \-011\ \C 'o~O~rn_:_~~-H:_:_S~'i~ng~ -------
, ------
------- - - - ------
-------- -------- ---