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,Semester 02- 2020
Assignment 01: Multiple choice
1. The causes of barriers to learning and development include:
(1) extrinsic factors, intrinsic factors, inflexible curriculum, inappropriate teaching and
learning methods
(2) physical and physiological impairments, inadequate environmental influences, inflexible
curriculum, language of learning and teaching
(3) attitudes, flexible curriculum, language of learning and teaching, safe school environment
(4) socio-economic factors, parental support, inflexible curriculum, unsafe school buildings
2. Which of the following are examples of school factors that cause barriers to
(1) socio-economic background, emotional problems, neurological problems, inadequate
environmental influences
(2) poor teaching, incomplete participation on the part of learners, inflexible curriculum,
crowded classrooms
(3) culture, language of learning and teaching, unsafe school, personality factors
(4) lack of parental involvement, inflexible curriculum, impairment, negative attitudes
3. Select the most appropriate statement about inclusive education.
(1) it is the same as mainstreaming
(2) it is the same as special education
(3) it acknowledges that all learners and young people can learn and that all learners and
young people need support
(4) it is about preparing teachers to work with learners in special schools
4. Choose the correct combination of options: According to the Education White
Paper No 6, the policy of inclusive education in South Africa was accepted for the
following reasons:
A. it makes good social sense
B. it makes good financial sense
C. it makes good educational sense
D. it promotes respect for one another
E. it promotes social welfare
(1) A, B, C
, (2) A, C, D
(3) A, D, E
(4) B, C, D
5. Learners with … problems experience problems with sorting and classifying
(1) auditory perception
(2) visual perception
(3) visual-motor perception
(4) spatial perception
6. Learners with … problems experience problems with hand-eye coordination foot-
eye coordination.
(1) fine motor perception
(2) lateral dominance
(3) visual-motor perception
(4) spatial perception
7. Being a parent is a complex and demanding responsibility. It is a role filled with
many challenges and rewards. When a child is born with a physical and physiological
impairment, the first people to notice that something is wrong are usually the parents.
Not all parents will respond in the same way to having a learner with an impairment.
Which of the following are the attitudes of parents when told that their learners have a
physical or physiological impairment?
(1) grief, resentment, embrace, submissiveness
(2) anger, being quarrelsome, guilt, denial
(3) guilt, anxiety, denial, resentment
(4) overprotectiveness, rejection, assertiveness, being knowledgeable
8. Choose the correct combination of options. Transformation in the education
system with regard to learners who experience barriers to learning is vital for the
following reasons:
A. It is estimated that 70% of learners with disabilities, the majority of whom are black
disabled learners in rural areas, are currently outside the formal education system.
B. It would appear that learners who experience barriers to learning suffer a greater degree
of exclusion in the Early Childhood Development Phase.