EEN It’s Barries’ birthday, but he’s spending his day planning revenge against his father with his friends,
Lizette, Floris and Theo. He plans on poisoning his father because of his abusiveness. After Theo and Floris head
out, it becomes evident that Lizette and Barries are romantically involved with each other and plan to have sex.
When Lizette also leaves, we get insight into Barries’ home situation: he lives with his divorced mother, Vera. Vera
suspects that he has been smoking marijuana and attempts to reprimand him for the behaviour, but he denies it
all. Having promised his friends he’d meet up with them to go out to celebrate his birthday,, Barries and his friends
all hop into Theo’s green Opel Kadette and head out to a club in town. In the car, the conversation turns to what will
make them happy, and Lizette makes a risqué quip about making Barries happy later that evening. Barries
comments that the one thing that will make him happy is if Paul Barnard keeled over from pain and begged for
● Barries Barnard verjaar. Hy word sewentien.
● Hy spandeer die dag saam met sy vriende Theo en Floris de Kock en Lizette Klein.
● Hulle is in Barries se kamer in hulle woonstel in Bryanston op die 10de vloer.
● Barries beplan om wraak te neem op sy pa. Hy wil vir sy pa rottegif gee omdat sy pa
hom mishandel het toe hy ‘n kind was.
● Barries wil hê dat sy pa moet ly/swaarkry net soos wat hy (Barries) swaargekry het met
en sonder sy pa.
● Barries woon saam met sy ma, Vera. Sy ouers is geskei.
● Barries en sy vriende rook dagga en dit maak sy ma kwaad.
● Barries en sy vriende gaan uit (teen sy ma se wense) om sy verjaarsdag te vier.
● Hulle ry met Theo se groen Opel Kadette en Theo bestuur want hy is ouer en het ‘n
● Barries en Lizette is in ‘n verhouding. Hulle beplan om later die aand seks te hê.
WOORDESKAT: 4. Ly - suffer
1. Wraak - revenge 5. Geskei - divorced
2. Woonstel - flat / apartment 6. Verhouding - relationship
3. Mishandel - abused
,TWEE At the club, the group enter because they fib about their age and with a little bit of buttering of the
bouncer by Lizette, the gang gets to enter the club and enjoy some themselves. Theo and Floris brought
companions who accompany them and the group for the rest of the night. However, when someone gropes Lizette
in the club, Barries headbutts the older guy, and this leads to them being escorted outside by the bouncers and
“dealt” with. His friends help him up, and they leave. In the car, Barries implores his friends to keep the night alive,
so they end up going to a little shop in town that sells miscellaneous things – but they’re there to see the owner,
Butcher. Butcher sells drugs in secret. Barries and his friends pop in to buy ecstasy pills, marijuana and other
drug paraphernalia. In this chapter, we see just how Barries behaves, and it paints him out to be a bit of a
troublemaker. After getting high, they head out again in the Kadette, hysterical from their highs. They go to a
second club and get thrown out for vandalism. Next thing Barries knew they had run someone over. He was passed
out at the time and does not believe that it was a person.
● By die Gold Miner’s Delight klub, in Houghton, gee hulle voor om 18 te wees en Lizette
flirteer met die uitsmyter, Jumbo Kruger
● Hulle drink baie en rook dagga.
● ‘n Man met ‘n bierpens en harde baard (ouer man) vat aan Lizette se boud/sitvlak.
● Barries is bedwelmd/hoog en slaan die man met sy kop. Die man word uitgeslaan en val
● Jumbo gooi hulle uit en klap vir Barries.
● Die vriende het genoeg gehad en wil huis toe gaan.
● Barries wil nog jol. Hy neem hulle na Butcher, ‘n dwelmhandelaar, se straathoekwinkeltjie.
● Butcher is ‘n taai man, het ‘n kaalkop en olierige wange en ‘n geweer.
● Hulle koop ecstasy en dagga en rook weer slowboats by ‘n tweede agterstraat klub,
Rainbow Delight.
● Hier word hulle ook uitgegooi omdat Barries die toiletdeur afskop.
● Hulle ry huis toe maar Theo sukkel om op die pad te bly want hulle is almal hoog.
● Barries raak aan die slaap en word wakker van ‘n stamp.
● Daar is bloed op die voorruit en dit word duidelik dat hulle iemand raakgery het.
● Die nooddienste/ polisie/ ambulans daag op en Barries slaan die flitslig uit die
polisieman se hand.
● Barries verloor sy bewussyn.
WOORDESKAT Vandalisme - vandalism
Uitsmyter - bouncer Raakgery - run someone over
Aanranding - assault Bewussyn - consciousness
,DRIE Barries comes to in a hospital bed with a drip attached to his arm. His mother is present, and she explains
to him that he and his friends are in a whole lot of trouble. Barries and his friends ran someone over that night and
to make things worse, this is all being revealed to him on Monday morning. After the nurse gives him his
medication, she notifies Barries and his mother that there are people there to visit him. A black man in a suit
accompanied by a young white woman in police uniform – Captain Mfeka of Narcotics and Sergeant Schreuder,
bearing Barries’ clothes from that night with the contraband. They announce that they’re arresting him for various
infractions, which include the possession of illicit substances, assault from his scuffle in the club, as well as
damage to property for a broken door. Mfeka is eager to throw Barries into a cell, but Schreuder attempts to
appeal to his sense of mercy saying that Barries is young. She suggests using him to find out the source of the
drugs in exchange for his freedom, revealing in the process that Lizette is going to testify against Theo. Rage wells
up within Barries and refuses to believe Lizette would abandon them. They eventually give him an ultimatum – he
should spend 6 weeks with his father in the Eastern Cape, or go straight to jail. They will return the next day at
noon to hear his decision.
● Barries herwin sy bewussyn (word wakker) eers twee dae later in die hospitaal.
● Sy ma is by hom en sê dat hulle ‘n verkeersman omgery het. Die man is in die
intensiewe eenheid en het omtrent elke been in sy liggaam gebreek.
● Barries is in die hospitaal omdat hy vergif was deur die dwelms en amper dood is aan ‘n
oordosis. Hy mis sy Afrikaanse eksamen omdat hy in die hospitaal is. Niemand anders
het seergekry in die ongeluk nie.
● Kaptein Mfeka van Narkotika en Sersant Nico Schreuder daag op. Hulle wil Barries
arresteer / in hegtenis neem vir 1.) die onwettige besit van dwelms, 2.) aanranding en
3.) saakbeskadiging (vandalisme van eiendom).
● Hulle sê dat hulle Barries sal help as hy vir hulle wys waar al sy kooppunte is en dat hy
teen Theo de Kock moet getuig. OOK: die enigste manier wat Barries uit die tronk kan
bly, is as hy vir 6 weke na sy pa sal gaan om te detoks. Barries se pa bly in die
Verkeersman - traffic officer
Oordosis - overdose Dwelms - drugs
Onwettig - illegal Intensiewe eenheid - ICU
Aanranding - assault Vergif - poisoned
Saakbeskadiging - damage to property
Kooppunte - points of sales
Getuig - testify
, VIER: Back at home with his mother, Barries tries to claim that the police are just trying to scare him and that he
isn’t scared; however, his mother attempts to be the voice of reason, saying that the situation is dire. Barries says
that Theo’s father is an attorney and could help them get out of the situation; however, he, child welfare and the
police spoke in order to arrive at the conclusion of sending Barries to the six-week rehab with his father in the
first place. He and his mother argue because she refuses to give him his phone, so Barries takes the car keys
instead. He wants to talk to his friends. When he gets to Theo and Floris’s house, Floris quickly hides both himself
and Barries from view, explaining that his father does not want Barries at their home. The De Kock family have to
prevent Theo from going to prison for running over the traffic cop who is currently in ICU, and so they have to
testify against Barries, claiming that he is a bad influence. With Barries heading to rehab, he won’t be able to
testify against Theo but they would have to paint him in a negative light, involving his abusive father and rocky
home situation. When Floris’s dad calls him, Floris quickly tells Barries that he has to leave. Barries heads over to
Lizette’s house. The big wooden door swings open in seconds and Lizette’s mother, clearly livid, is in front of
Barries. She doesn’t want him around her daughter or their home anymore. Barries asks for just five minutes of
Lizette’s time, but when her mother pulls out a knopkierie, Barries gets the message. Back at home, he chats with
his mother about the idea of going to live with his father and remembers the abuse he experienced at his father’s
drunken hand. His mother comments that the man remarried and stopped his drinking, despite being divorced a
second time. Barries tries to request his phone one more time, but his mother denies his request. He goes to his
room, slams the door and plays music loudly as he screams into his pillow. He looks around his room for some
marijuana to roll up but only finds some ecstasy pills. He hides the tablets in a container for fizzy tablets and goes
to bed.
● Terug by die huis dink Barries nie die saak is ernstig nie en glo nie dat hy na sy pa sal gaan nie. Hy glo ook
nie dat sy vriende teen hom sal draai nie. Hy dink dat Oom Charles (Theo en Floris se pa) - wat ‘n prokureur
is, hom sal help.
● Barries wil sy selfoon hê om sy vriende te kontak maar sy ma weier. Hy neem die motorsleutels en haar
Mercedes sonder toestemming en gaan eers na Theo en Floris se dubbelverdiepinghuis. Hulle ma is ‘n
dokter en duidelik is hulle ryk mense. Floris sê om hulself te beskerm moet almal teen Barries getuig en sê
dat hy ‘n slegte invloed is.
● Hulle hou teen hom dat sy ouers geskei is, dat hy uit ‘n “gebroke” huis kom, dat sy pa hom mishandel het en
dat hy die dwelms verskaf het. As Barries na sy pa sou gaan is hy uit die pad en kan hy nie teen hulle getuig
nie. Floris-hulle gaan ook na ‘n sielkundige vir behandeling om te bewys dat hulle berou het en
getraumatiseer is. Al die kinders gaan teen Barries getuig om hulle eie basse te red.
● Barries gaan na Lizette se paleis van ‘n huis waar haar ma ook vir Barries uitskel as ‘n woonstelrot, ‘n slegte
invloed en sy jaag hom weg met ‘n knopkierie.
● By sy huis praat Barries met sy ma oor sy pa wat so gedrink het en die brandwyn in sy matras weggesteek
● Sy sê dat Paul Barnard (Barries se pa) verander het, weer getrou het en geskei het en dat hy nie meer drink
nie. Barries gaan na sy kamer en soek dwelms. Hy kry Ecstasy pille en steek hulle weg in ‘n
bruispille-botteltjie. Hy klim in die bed en sukkel met verskeie onttrekkingsimptome.
WOORDESKAT Het Getrou - married
Geskei - divorced Onttrekkingsimptome - withdrawel
Getuig - testify symptoms
Mishandel - abused
is getroud - are married