Life Sciences (Biology)
10th Grade
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Grade 10 Life Sciences (LS) November Paper 2 and MEMO - 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 30 pages • 2023
- R50,00
- 1x sold
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Grade 10 Life Sciences November Paper 2 and MEMO: 
Total: 150 Marks. 
Question 1: Transport systems in mammals. | History of live on earth. | Biosphere to ecosystems. | Spheres of the Earth. 
Question 2: Transport systems in mammals. | The human heart. | Cardiac cycle. | Circulation of blood. | Artery, veins and capillaries. | Heart rate and pulse rate. 
Question 3: History of life on earth. | Fossils. | Biosphere to ecosystems. | Pyramids. | Biodiversity and classification....
Graad 10 Lewenswetenskappe (LW) November Vraestel 2 en Memo - 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 32 pages • 2023
- R55,00
- 3x sold
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Graad 10 Lewenswetenskappe November Vraestel 2: 
Totaal: 150 Tyd: 2 ure 30 minute. 
 Vraag 1: Vervoerstelsels in soogdiere | Geskiedenis van lewe op aarde | Biosfeer tot ekosisteme | Sfere van die Aarde 
 Vraag 2: Vervoerstelsels in soogdiere | Die menslike hart | Kardiale siklus | Sirkulasie van bloed | Arterie, are en kapillêre | Hartklop en polsslag 
 Vraag 3: Geskiedenis van lewe op aarde | Fossiele | Biosfeer tot ekosisteme | Piramides | Biodiversiteit en kl...
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