AP Maths
12th Grade
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This document contains a summary of all the different partial fractions techniques needed in the IEB Grade 12 AP Maths/FSM curriculum.

Grade 12 AP Maths: Graphs of Rational Functions
- Summary • 5 pages • 2023
- R150,00
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This document summarises all the rules and techniques for rational graphs at an IEB Grade 12 AP Maths/Further Studies level. It is helpful for revising this section and has techniques for tackling questions that could appear in exams and tests

Grade 12 AP Maths: Integration
- Summary • 12 pages • 2023
- R200,00
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This document contains in-depth notes and rules for the integration section at an IEB Grade 12 AP Maths/Further Studies level. It is helpful for revising this section and contains useful tips as well as a summary at the end.

Grade 12 AP Maths: Absolute Values
- Summary • 4 pages • 2023
- R100,00
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This document summarises all the rules, techniques and graphs for Absolute Values at an IEB Grade 12 AP Maths/Further Studies level. It is helpful for revising this section and contains useful tips

Grade 12 AP Maths: Limits + Discontinuity
- Summary • 2 pages • 2023
- R75,00
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This document contains summaries for the limits and discontinuity section in the AP Maths/FSM curriculum for Grade 12 IEB. It is an easy-to-read guide for consolidation before tests and exams
Integration can be tricky but this guide should help you in knowing how to tackle any integration question you come across.
Succinct notes for everything examined in the IEB AP Maths Paper 2: Finance & Modelling.

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