HHTD1181 (HHTD1181)
Boston City Campus and Business College (boston)
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HHTD1181 Which qualifications and attributes of a good trainer will you be looking for during the selection process? (8 marks) Since the newly recruited trainers will need to deliver learning materials, learning-aids, and other tools to a culturally d
- Exam (elaborations) • 27 pages • 2024
- R80,00
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Which qualifications and attributes of a good trainer will you be looking for during the selection process? (8 marks) 
Since the newly recruited trainers will need to deliver learning materials, learning-aids, and other tools to a culturally diverse group of employees; what four (4) considerations, in terms of cultural diversity, are you looking for in their training approaches? (12 marks) 
First, to clear any confusion about the role of a trainer, discuss the general occupati...
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