Bcom Marketing (BMNG7322)
CityVarsity (CV)
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Strategic Management Part 1 -3 Detailed Notes
- Package deal • 2 items • 2024
- R200,00
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These notes give detailed descriptions, tables and diagrams designed by myself to explain and summarize theories and concepts. They include extra information, tips, and notes to gain a deeper understanding of the material. These notes also include the learning outcomes so you can keep these in mind as you go through the notes (for exams).

Insights into innovation opportunities Part 1
- Class notes • 13 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- R90,00
- 1x sold
- + learn more
These notes provide a better understanding of basic concepts such as value innovation and more, as well as provide a better understanding of the theories of innovation as well as value innovation. Nicely structured with summary tables and learning outcomes to assist with knowing what is expected if you to answer exam questions.

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