Business Management 3B (BMNG7332)
CityVarsity (CV)
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Strategic Management Part 1 -3 Detailed Notes
- Package deal • 2 items • 2024
- R200,00
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These notes give detailed descriptions, tables and diagrams designed by myself to explain and summarize theories and concepts. They include extra information, tips, and notes to gain a deeper understanding of the material. These notes also include the learning outcomes so you can keep these in mind as you go through the notes (for exams).

Detailed Notes on Strategic Innovation Part 2 & 3
- Class notes • 19 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- R173,33
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These notes provide a detailed look at strategic innovation and breaks it up into sections to better understand the components that make this topic area up. They include tables and diagrams designed by myself to help clarify concepts and theories. They contain extra information to fully round off your understanding and include the learning outcomes so you can keep these in mind as you go through the notes. Tips and breakdowns are also included.

Detailed Notes on Business Level Strategy
- Other • 17 pages • 2024
- R90,00
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These notes provide a detailed look at learning unit 1 of Business Management 3B (2nd semester). They include customized diagrams, images, and explain business level strategies such as low-cost leadership, differentiation, focused strategies and more. A table of definitions is included at the end of the notes as well. Notes are based on modules taken at Varsity College and are aimed to help students, especially online students, to minimize their time spent on the textbook and focus on the need t...

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