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Ballade vir 'n Enkeling Ultimate Study Guide
- Package deal • 3 items • 2020
- R230,00
- 48x sold
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In depth, quality movie notes and summary with an additional possible answer and question pack. All the notes will lead to a better understanding of the story and the characters. Study notes are in English and Afrikaans. Flashcards are also included for a quick recap of the story and characters.
Ballade vir 'n Enkeling Studie Notas
- Study guide • 27 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R150,00
- 73x sold
- + learn more
Highly detailed, quality study notes for the movie Ballade vir 'n Enkeling. The notes discuss the general plot, the themes and symbols, the characters and has an in-depth scene description. Notes are in Afrfikaans with English translations. Perfect if you need to revise for exams and tests.
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Did you know that on average a seller on Stuvia earns R4500 per month selling summaries? Hmm, hint, hint. Discover all about earning on Stuvia