Business Management (BM101B)
Popular textbooks
Introduction to Business Management
Badenhorst-Weiss Badenhorst-Weiss, Tersia Botha, Michael Cant, Johanna Adolphina Badenhorst, Mari Jansen van Rensburg, Louis Krüger, Watson Ladzani, Richardo Machado, Johan Marx, Raphael Mpofu, Rigard Steenkamp, Peet venter, Mari Vrba
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Summary of Introduction to buisness management by Barney Erasmus
- Summary • 15 pages • 2023
- R150,00
- 1x sold
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This is a summary of the textbook focal points which are the most examinable/ most important takeaways from each chapter.
Business Management 303B Notes
- Summary • 72 pages • 2023
- R149,00
- 5x sold
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This document consists of information of the entire study guide as well as from the textbook: 5th Ed. Strategic Management Southern African concepts and cases. Notes from lectures are also included in the document. 
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Business Management 202B Notes
- Summary • 87 pages • 2022
- R149,00
- 7x sold
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These notes cover the entire syllabus for Business Management 2 students at IMM. The summaries contain notes from the textbook, lectures, and tutorials. 
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Business Management 1 Notes BM101B SU 1-7
- Class notes • 37 pages • 2022
- R129,00
- 3x sold
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These notes cover the textbook Introduction to business management from chapters 1-6. Detailed notes include the textbook, lecture notes as well as study guide notes. It focuses on the business world and the place of management. 
*Exam mark: 80% 
*Final mark: 82% 
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