Bachelor of commerce and bachelor of laws - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Bachelor of commerce and bachelor of laws? On this page you'll find 1 study documents about Bachelor of commerce and bachelor of laws.
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Study Unit 2 - Ch2 - The Business Environment
- Summary • 10 pages • 2020
- R50,00
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Course: Business Management 1 - EB121 (EB101 / EB151 / EB1X1 / EBC101 / EBC1X1)
Study Unit: 2
Chapter: 2 - The Business Environment
Textbook: Bosch, J.K., Tait, M., & Venter, E. (ed.) Business management: an entrepreneurial perspective. 2nd edition. Port Elizabeth: Prudentia SA.
Final Result that I achieved with these notes: 78%
When I first started creating notes in my first year, I decided to create them with others in mind. 
I use memory mnemonics or acronyms to help remember long lists, and ...
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