Visual Arts
St Stithians College (Stithian)
Here are the best resources to pass Visual Arts. Find Visual Arts study guides, notes, assignments, and much more.
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grade 12 Visual Arts theory
- Summary • 34 pages • 2020
- R150,00
- 33x sold
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All of the visual arts movements including background history of each movement, dates of when the movement occurred and a breakdown of influences, characteristics and a description of a few artists and their artworks. They include Twentieth Century art, Conceptual art, Resistance art and Contemporary art. They should consist of everything that is in the matric IEB Visual Arts exam.
grade 12 Visual Arts theory
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All of the visual arts movements including background history of each movement, dates of when the movement occurred and a breakdown of influences, characteristics and a description of a few artists and their artworks. They include Twentieth Century art, Conceptual art, Resistance art and Contemporary art. They should consist of everything that is in the matric IEB Visual Arts exam.
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