Marketing (MM354)
Stellenbosch University (SUN)
Here are the best resources to pass Marketing (MM354). Find Marketing (MM354) study guides, notes, assignments, and much more.
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Marketing Management 354 summary
- Summary • 58 pages • 2024
- R150,00
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A comprehensive summary for Marketing Management 354 (Strategic Marketing). This document summarises all Chapters (1 - 21) covered in class and assessed for the final exam. There are also some additional class notes included which are not in the textbook.
Marketing Management 354 summary
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A comprehensive summary for Marketing Management 354 (Strategic Marketing). This document summarises all Chapters (1 - 21) covered in class and assessed for the final exam. There are also some additional class notes included which are not in the textbook.
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Marketing 214 Summary
- Class notes • 27 pages • 2018
- R100,00
- 43x sold
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27 pages of all the key terms neatly summarised in tables, graphs, diagrams and lists.
Class notes
Marketing 214 Summary
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27 pages of all the key terms neatly summarised in tables, graphs, diagrams and lists.
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