Biology 154 (BIO154)
Stellenbosch University (SUN)
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Biology 154 Lectures Notes that just includes the section of Biotechnology. It contains additional information for better understanding.
Biology 154 Lectures Notes that just includes the section of Form and Function of Animals. It contains additional information for better understanding.

The Neuron
- Summary • 4 pages • 2023
- R60,00
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Beginner notes on the neuron as a basic unit of the nervous system. Includes: - Neuron Anatomy: - Cell Body - Dendrites - Axon - Terminals - Structural Classifications of a Neuron: - Multipolar - Bipolar - Unipolar - Anaxonic - Functional Classification of a Neuron - Sensory or Afferent Neuron - Motor or Efferent Neuron - Inter-neuron

Resting Potential, Graded Potential, Action Potential
- Summary • 11 pages • 2023
- R90,00
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Resting, Graded and Action Potential notes for first year university students. Includes: - Resting Membrane Potential : - Key Terms and definitions - What causes cell membranes to be charged and processes. - Graded Potential: - Definitions and processes - Summation of Postsynaptic Potentials: - Definition and Processes - How can synapses transmit information if their postsynaptic potentials are subthreshold - The Action Potential: - Definition and processes ...

Microbial biotechnology
- Summary • 16 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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Summary of microbial biotechnology. One part in three part series. Includes info from slides, lectures and the textbook.

Biology 154: Animal Form and Function
- Class notes • 78 pages • 2020
- R85,00
- 45x sold
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A 78 page summary (lecture notes) of all information covered in the lectures of Biology 154 in Semester Two, Term Four on Animal Form and Function. This summary contains extra definitions, explanations and diagrams. Tables and bullet points are used to aid memorisation. Leave a 5 star rating if you like these notes!

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