Chemistry 144 (Chem 144)
Stellenbosch University (SUN)
Popular textbooks
Chemistry: The Central Science
Theodore L. Brown, H. Eugene LeMay Jr., Bruce E. Bursten, Catherine Murphy, Patrick Woodward, Steven Langford, Dalius Sagatys, Adrian George
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All content covered in module chemistry 144 both from the textbook and all the classes, namely focusing on organic chemistry. Distinction achieved with these notes.
![Simple Summary of Chemistry 144 (The Ultimate Basics)](/docpics/63603a29499b6_2070670.jpg)
Simple Summary of Chemistry 144 (The Ultimate Basics)
- Summary • 19 pages • 2022
- R100,00
- 5x sold
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All the content of Chemistry 144, simplified for those that need all the basics written out in a simple summary. Covers stoichiometry, acids and bases, buffers and organic chemistry. They are mainly focused on organic chemistry and organic chemistry reactions as they are the hardest sections with the most content.
![Chem 144 summary notes](/docpics/5fc7d1b358baf_901397.jpg)
Chem 144 summary notes
- Summary • 52 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R120,00
- 15x sold
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A complete summary of Chem 144, with diagrams and examples.
1st year Chemistry Includes all Organic Chemistry lecture notes ; Summery of Organic reactions, Chemical equilibruim, Acid and Base, Aqueous Equilibria, Polymers, Organic Chemsitry
![Chem 144 - Organic Chemistry Lecture Notes](/docpics/5e1b6a5c1cf3a_636252.jpg)
Chem 144 - Organic Chemistry Lecture Notes
- Class notes • 74 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R90,00
- 6x sold
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Notes are made as a summary of lecture notes that are only available in class Includes all first year orgainic chemistry notes as well as some hints for assesments and practice questions for reactions and skeletal structures.
![Chem 144 - Chemical equilibruim,Acid and Base,Aqueous Equilibria,Polymers,Organic Chemsitry](/docpics/5e1b69310e87e_636251.jpg)
Chem 144 - Chemical equilibruim,Acid and Base,Aqueous Equilibria,Polymers,Organic Chemsitry
- Summary • 42 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R55,00
- 4x sold
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Notes are made as a summary of lecture notes and the textbook. Includes: Chemical Equilibruim, Acid and Bases, Aqueous Equilibria, Introduction to polymers, Organic Chemistry
![Chem 144 - Summery of Organic Reactions](/docpics/5e1b68b6a040d_636249.jpg)
Chem 144 - Summery of Organic Reactions
- Summary • 4 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
- 1x sold
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Notes are made as a summary of lecture notes and the textbook. Short summeries of possible organic reactions (alkenes,alkanes,alcohols,,etc)
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