English (ELL1016S)
University of Cape Town (UCT)
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well depth analysis of events, series and characters of the Metamophorsis

Hair in Americanah
- Summary • 2 pages • 2017
- R50,00
- 18x sold
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I got 92% for English in matric and was in the top 1% in the country. These were the notes I used: 

Full and thorough analysis of the significance of hair in Americanah with regards to race, white hegemony and Ifemelu's character development

Themes in Americanah
- Summary • 15 pages • 2017
- R55,00
- 50x sold
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I got 92% for English in matric and was in the top 1% in the country. These were the notes I used: 

In depth analysis of race, identity, immigration and intersectionality. 
The notes cover Ifemelu's struggle with her identity and the significance of hair as a motif.
Quotes and character development are all included.
My English portfolio mark is 95% and I take time and effort to make sure my notes are thorough and accessible.

Johnnie as a defeated man
- Essay • 2 pages • 2014
- Free
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This is a literature essay that analyses the character Johnnie, in Athol Fugard's, Hello and Goodbye. It looks at his various characteristics and draws a conclusion about his outlook on life in the play.

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