HUB1020S (HUB1020s)
University of Cape Town (UCT)
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Summary of muscles of the lower limb
- Summary • 12 pages • 2023
- R99,00
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Complete summary (with images) of the muscles of the lower limb, including their origin, insertion, action and innervation.
Anatomy & Physiology 1B notes
- Class notes • 128 pages • 2023
- R250,00
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In dept lecture notes for all lectures covered in HUB1020S. Perfect to study from and will guarantee good marks if information is studied diligently.
HUB1020S Summary Notes
- Summary • 208 pages • 2022
- R300,00
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This document contains all the information covered in HUB1020S. I myself thoroughly enjoy Anatomy and Physiology and am currently enrolled in the HUB2015W course. I put a lot of effort into compiling concise yet visually pleasing notes. The topics covered in this document include: Introduction to the lower limb and anterior and medial thigh, the gluteal region, posterior thigh and leg, muscle physiology, nerve physiology, the anterior and medial lower limb, the integumentary system, embryology, ...
HUB1020S (Anatomy and Physiology IB) Lecture notes
- Class notes • 204 pages • 2022
- R300,00
- 3x sold
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Concise, neat and easy to follow lecture notes compiled by three H&R students in their second year at UCT. Each of these students scored over 90% for HUB1020S, so notes should be all you need to pass with flying colours. Notes especially worthwhile because a lot of extra effort has been put into the Embryology section - the lectures on this section were confusing, and the resources provided by the university did not help clear up this confusion. Many external resources were consulted in order to...
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