Jurisprudence (PVL3006S)
University of Cape Town (UCT)
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Jurisprudence ALL LECTURE/ READING notes
- Package deal • 3 items • 2023
- R290,00
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The whole jurisprudence course notes taught by Professors- Fagan, Boonzaier, Moshikaro, Barnard-Naudé, and Judge Davis. Including the exam essay topics for 2023. Readings are summarised and written in plain and understandable English.
Written in 2023.
Anthropological Jurisprudence- Lecture notes
- Class notes • 26 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R120,00
- 1x sold
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First- Looking at the jurisprudence of the Earth. Discussing and analysing how law and legal systems can be found through studying the earth and its ecosystems. Almost like a geological study of Law. 
Thereafter looking at the development of the constitution, and discussing whether the constitution is truly transformative. 
Notes Made in 2023
Analytical Jurisprudence- Lecture notes (PVL3006S)
- Class notes • 34 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R120,00
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Simple and understandable English to describe the concepts of what is law and what makes a legal system, as debated and described by Hart, Fuller, and others in their books. This part of the course covers positivist vs. Other theories of law. 
The readings prescribed by Professors Fagan and Moshikaro.
Legal reasoning- Lecture notes Jurisprudence
- Class notes • 20 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R120,00
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Lecture notes, and notes of readings that were studied throughout this course. Taken in 2023. Prof Leo Boonzaier
JURISPUDENCE: Notes on Hart and Fuller
- Summary • 10 pages • 2023
- R60,00
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provides a summary of the readings for Hart's ‘Positivism and the Separation of Law and Morals’ and Fuller's ‘Positivism and Fidelity to Law—A Reply to Professor Hart’ from the pages prescribed by Dr. Boonzaier. it contains 
- Notes from every page from both readings in simplified language highlighting important parts 
- Background on Fuller and Hart 
-Summary of their arguments 
- additional analysis from the recommended reading
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Jurisprudence: Summary of Readings
- Summary • 85 pages • 2023
- R150,00
- 9x sold
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- in depth summaries of all the readings for Dr. Moshikaro's section 
- 80 pages summarising over 200 pages of notes 
- contains useful links and video links 
- colourised and easy to follow 
- summaries are ordered chapter by chapter to ensure a meticulous understanding 
- uses simplified languages instead of philosophical jargon 
- contains additional notes on the Hart Fuller debate at the end of the document
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