Study Guide for ECS2601 First and second semesters
University of Pretoria (UP)
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Study Guide for ECS2601 First and second semesters
- Other • 184 pages • 2021
- R167,30
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The purpose of this module is to provide you with thinking tools when analyzing the

relationship between consumption (the demand side) and production (the supply side)

in the economy. Ultimately we want you as a student to understand how different kinds

of markets form, how they function, how they change and how some even fall apart.
Study Guide for ECS2601 First and second semesters
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The purpose of this module is to provide you with thinking tools when analyzing the 
relationship between consumption (the demand side) and production (the supply side) 
in the economy. Ultimately we want you as a student to understand how different kinds 
of markets form, how they function, how they change and how some even fall apart.
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