AGE1501 Introduction to Archaeology (AGE1501)
University of South Africa (Unisa)
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AGE1501 & APY1501 Bundle
- Package deal • 2 items • 2017
- R150,00
- 2x sold
- + learn more
Specifically for students completing AGE1501: Introduction to Archaeology and APY1501: The Anthroplogical Study of Culture in a Multicultural Context, this bundled summary will give an overview and understanding for both subjects in order to finish assignments and pass the exam. (Both summaries to be used in conjunction with your UNISA study guide)
AGE1501 Summary - 2017
- Summary • 29 pages • 2017
- Available in package deal
- R150,00
- 7x sold
- + learn more
This summary will assist students in understanding the key concepts taught in the AGE1501: Introduction to Archaeology as well as provide a further understanding of the topics for the assignments and exams. 
 (To be used in conjunction with the UNISA supplied study guide).
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