Globalisation and social change in south africa s - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Globalisation and social change in south africa s? On this page you'll find 2 study documents about Globalisation and social change in south africa s.
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IOP2602 EXAM PACK 2025
- Exam (elaborations) • 342 pages • 2023
- R51,93
- 3x sold
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(1) What stages do groups pass through? 
1. Idea generation, implementation and termination. 
2. Introduction, high productivity and decline. 
3. Initiation, evolution, maturation and decline. 
4. Forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. 
(2) How would you describe a work group? 
1. A group whose individual efforts result in a performance that is greater than the sum 
of the individual inputs. 
2. A group that primarily interacts to share information and to make decision...

ECS2604 EXAM PACK 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 156 pages • 2023
- R53,43
- 1x sold
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7.5 Assignments 
7.5.1 First semester assignments 
CLOSING DATE: 02 March 2018 
WEIGHT: 40% of semester mark 
TL501: Learning units 1 – 4 
Prescribed Book: Chapters 1 – 4 
This assignment contributes 40% towards your semester mark. 
Please ensure that this assignment reaches the University before the due date. 
Answer all the questions on a mark-reading sheet or on myUnisa. 
IMPORTANT! The first ten multiple choice questions of thi...

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