Statistics Introduction (STAT1000)
University of the Witwatersrand (wits)
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Introduction to probability
- Summary • 3 pages • 2022
- R139,00
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Summary of important terms used in probability.
Statistics Introduction
- Package deal • 4 items • 2018
- R100,00
- 2x sold
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This bundle includes summaries of the complete Statistics syllabus for a First Year level. Statistics is made easy by colourful notes, diagrams and a simple layout.
Descriptive Statistics, Correlation and Regression
- Summary • 5 pages • 2018
- Available in package deal
- R60,00
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This is an introduction to basic statistics, including explanations of Correlation, Regression, Types of Data, Measures of Variability, and Central Tendency, Regression Analysis as well as practical uses of Regression and testing whether a regression estimation is valid. The notes are neat, colourful and interesting and include relevant formulae.
Discrete and Continuous Distributions and Inference
- Summary • 9 pages • 2018
- Available in package deal
- R70,00
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This note introduces random variables, Probability Mass Functions, Probability Density Functions and Poisson Distributions as well as confidence intervals, hypothesis testing and using t, z, and p values. The notes are clear and colourful and include all necessary formulae, diagrams and useful descriptions.
P-Values and Chi Squared Test of Independence
- Summary • 3 pages • 2018
- Available in package deal
- R70,00
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This note gives an outline of how to use P-values for significance testing, as well as using the Chi-Squared test of Independence. The note includes methods, formulae and easy, colourful and neat descriptions which make learning statistics easy!
Make study stress less painful
Time Series and Probability
- Summary • 9 pages • 2018
- Available in package deal
- R70,00
- 1x sold
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This is a summary of beginner to intermediate level statistics, usually covered in First Year. The notes are divided by chapter and have clear, detailed and colourful descriptions of each topic, including formulae, definitions etc. They are specifically designed for use by Wits First Year students but cover work widely taught at high school and university statistics.
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