Civil Procedure 371
Stellenbosch University (SUN)
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Civil Procedure Drafting: Urgent Application
- Summary • 8 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R53,00
- 2x sold
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In depth example of how to draft an urgent application for Civil Procedure 371.
Civil Procedure 371 Semester 2
- Summary • 101 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R90,00
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Contains all prescribed content for semester 2; case law, drafting notes, podcasts, slides & textbook summaries.
- Summary • 57 pages • 2021
- R300,00
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Full year summary on Civil Procedure 371. Summarized in an easy way to learn.
Civil Procedure Drafting: Simple Summons
- Summary • 4 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
- 1x sold
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In depth example of how to draft a simple summons for Civil Procedure 371.
Civil Procedure 371 Term 3, Semester 2
- Summary • 64 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R70,00
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Contains ALL prescribed content for Term 3 Semester work, needed for the test on 26/09/2020: Unit 8 - Unit 10 integrated case summaries drafting notes. These notes were compiled using the podcasts, slides, drafting notes & textbook.
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Drafting - Civil Procedure
- Package deal • 7 items • 2020
- R60,00
- 5x sold
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In depth examples of how to draft all relevant documents for the test on the 26/09/2020.
Civil Procedure Term 3 notes & drafting
- Package deal • 8 items • 2020
- R140,00
- 3x sold
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Prescribed content for Semester 2, Term 3 + integrated case summaries + in depth explanations of how to draft the relevant documents for the test on the 26/09/2020.
Civil Procedure Drafting: Ex parte application
- Summary • 9 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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In depth example of how to draft an ex parte application in the High Court for Civil Procedure 371.
Civil Procedure Drafting: Ex parte app
- Summary • 7 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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In depth example of how to draft an ex parte application in the Magistrates' Court for Civil Procedure 371.
Civil Procedure Drafting: Interlocutory Application
- Summary • 7 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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In depth example of how to draft an interlocutory application for Civil Procedure 371.
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