Dream analysis - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Dream analysis? On this page you'll find 43 study documents about Dream analysis.
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PYC4808-Eco-systemic Psychology Latest Exam Prep.
- Exam (elaborations) • 49 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R60,15
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PYC4808-Eco-systemic Psychology Latest Exam Prep. INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGY (Western) vs SYSTEMIC PSYCHOLOGY 
Most of us have been socialised into a Western, Lockean scientific tradition. Most 
individual psychology approaches rest on the assumptions of this linear worldview. 
Systems theory directs our attention away from the individual and moves towards and 
emphasis on recursion, reciprocity and mutual influence. Discuss this 
fundamental shift in worldviews by referring to the fundamental assump...

The Dream House analysis
- Summary • 26 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R120,00
- 53x sold
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An in-depth analysis of "The Dream House", including themes, characters, quotes, a short summary and symbols. This is a great resource for matrics writing the IEB exams and tests.

The Dream House IEB notes and quotes
- Other • 9 pages • 2021
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- R60,00
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This document provides a full analysis of The Dream House to aid IEB students when writing mini literary essays. Quotes, notes and ideas have been provided about themes and symbols in the novel. I have shown how to integrate quotes into sentences. I am an A/ A+ student for English and writing "The Dream House" essay was an important component of the exam.
Detailed summary and analysis of The Dream House by Craig Higginson

The Dream House Study Guide and Comprehensive Summary - Grade 12 IEB English Home Language
- Interview • 57 pages • 2021
- R150,00
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A detailed summary and analysis of The Dream House by Craig Higginson. Includes an analysis of the plot, structure, characters and symbols, as well as a full and comprehensive summary of each chapter. 
Applicable;e to all IEB matrics. 
Written by an 85% < student.

The Dream House: Quotes, Summary, Character Analysis (English Home Language IEB)
- Summary • 8 pages • 2021
- R95,00
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Grade 12 English Home Language IEB 
The Dream House Notes 
Contains quotes, character analysis, analysis of themes and symbols 
8 pages
The Dream House analysis, themes, characters and quotes

Summary Notes: Sigmund Freud Personality Theory and Psychosexual Stages of Development
- Summary • 7 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R93,00
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This document is a detailed summary notes of Sigmund Freud`s Theories including the Biography of Sigmund Freud; Psychic determinism; cathexis and anticathexis forces; Personality Theory (Id, Ego & Superego); Unconscious, Conscious & Free association; Dream Analysis (manifest content & latent content); Psychosexual Stages of Development (Oral stage, Anal stage, Phallic Stage, Latent Stage, Genital Stage; and Criticisms of the Psychosexual Stages

Summary Applied Psychology (PSYC322): Carl Jung`s Personality Theory
- Summary • 10 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R79,00
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This document is a summary of Carl Jung`s personality theory which covers, Biography of Carl Jung, His contribution to Psychology, levels of the psyche, role and functions of the psyche, Dynamics of personality, Psychological Types, Introversion and Extroversion, and Stages of development
This covers all the themes and explains the themes from the Dream House novel. This allowed me to receive a distinction for English in my matric finals.

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