English summaries - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about English summaries? On this page you'll find 218 study documents about English summaries.
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Onderwereld by Fanie Viljoen - Chapter 11-20 Summaries in English and Afrikaans
- Summary • 31 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R80,00
- 4x sold
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This summarises the Afrikaans First Additional Language (FAL) set book, Onderwereld by Fanie Viljoen, for matric from 2023. The summaries are in Afrikaans and English to help you understand what is happening and expand your vocabulary. Headings separate each chapter.

Donker Web By Fanie Viljoen | FAL Set Book Summaries Afrikaans & English | All Chapters
- Package deal • 4 items • 2023
- R132,00
- 2x sold
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Ace your Afrikaans FAL matric final exams by using this Donker Web by Fanie Viljoen study guide. This document provides Afrikaans and English summaries of the important events in the IEB matric set book. You can use these notes to revise for your upcoming Afrikaans First Additional Language Paper 2 and gain an understan

Onderwereld by Fanie Viljoen - Chapter Summaries and Study Guide in Afrikaans and English
- Package deal • 5 items • 2023
- R200,00
- 39x sold
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This summarises the Afrikaans First Additional Language (FAL) set book, Onderwereld by Fanie Viljoen, for matric from 2023. The summaries are in Afrikaans and English to help you understand what is happening and expand your vocabulary. Headings separate each chapter.

A study guide is included to give a breakdown of characters, themes and more.

- Package deal • 2 items • 2023
- R190,00
- 8x sold
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This package deal includes the full translation of the book from AFRIKAANS TO ENGLISH. It also includes a document with fully comprehensive summaries of ALL chapters of the book. These documents will help you secure your distinction in the finals 

Basic overview summaries (in English) of all the short stories tested in the IEB isiZulu FAL paper 2.

Grade 8 Natural Sciences (NS) Summaries - Term 1 (Via Afrika)
- Summary • 28 pages • 2025
- R120,00
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Grade 8 Natural Sciences (NS) Summaries - Term 1 (Via Afrika): These summaries are compiled using the Via Afrika textbook's Term 1 content. The summaries are in English, with additional notes provided by the compiler. 
Strand 1: Life and living 
Topic 1: Photosynthesis and respiration 
Topic 2: Interactions and interdependence within the environment 
Topic 3: Micro-organisms

Grade 8 Natural Sciences (NS) Summaries - Term 2 (Via Afrika)
- Summary • 25 pages • 2025
- R120,00
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Grade 8 Natural Sciences (NS) Summaries - Term 2 (Via Afrika): These summaries are compiled using the Via Afrika textbook's Term 2 content. The summaries are in English, with additional notes provided by the compiler. 
Strand 2: Matter and materials 
Topic 1: Atoms 
Topic 2: Particle model of matter 
Topic 3: Chemical reactions

Grade 9 Natural Sciences (NS) Summaries - Term 1 (Via Afrika)
- Summary • 35 pages • 2025
- R120,00
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Grade 9 Natural Sciences (NS) Summaries - Term 1 (Via Afrika): These summaries are compiled using the Via Afrika textbook's Term 1 content. The summaries are in English, with additional notes provided by the compiler. 
Strand 1 - Life and living: 
Topic 1: Cells as the basic units of life. 
Topic 2: Systems in the human body. 
Topic 3: Human reproduction. 
Topic 4: Circulatory and respiratory systems. 
Topic 5: Digestive system.

Grade 8 Technology (TECH) Summaries - Term 1 (Via Afrika)
- Summary • 30 pages • 2025
- R120,00
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Grade 8 Technology (TECH) Summaries Term 1 (Via Afrika): These summaries are compiled using the Via Afrika textbook's Term 4 content. The summaries are in English, with additional notes provided by the compiler. 
Unit 1: Structures: investigation skills 
Unit 2: Structures 
Unit 3: Communication skills: purpose of graphics and conventions 
Unit 4: Communication skills: working and artistic drawings 
Unit 5: Mechanical systems and control: revision and investigation sk...

Summary Picture of Dorian Gray and Dorian Gray Mock Exam Essays And Answers Package Deal
- Package deal • 3 items • 2024
- R240,00
- 1x sold
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Dorian Gray A+ Summaries and Mock Exam Literature Essays Package Deal for Grade 12 students English Literature Paper 2, suitable for NSC CAPS students.

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